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Horrifying Moment When Woman Carrying A Baby Plunged Into An Open Manhole While Distracted By Her Phone Caught On Camera

In India, a woman and her baby fell into an open manhole after being distracted by her phone.


According to reports, no one was severely injured in the dramatic accident in Faridabad, India. Both the woman and the baby were quickly rescued by onlookers in the area.

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In CCTV footage obtained by the authorities, the woman can be seen walking towards the open hole with a nine-month-baby on her left arm, and a mobile phone in her right hand.


The video also shows the dangerous manhole is partially covered by a tall standing advertorial in front of it.

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The woman did not notice the opening and stepped past by the advertising sign as she brings the mobile phone up to her ear, seemingly talking to someone.


Her left foot slides into the manhole and she plunges out of sight, grasping her baby as they both fall.

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The security footage then shows bystanders rushing over the scene, and a group of men quickly formed around the manhole.


One of the bystanders, identified only as Lakhwinder, was seen going down into the hole to get the woman and the baby out, as another man holds his hand to assist him.

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More worried onlookers gather at the scene as the little baby is pulled out first.


A man takes the nine-month-old child to the side while another unnamed woman checks the baby for possible injuries.

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The woman is then lifted out of the hole and immediately ran to her baby.


The woman, who seems to be the mother of the child, can be seen hugging the kind lady who checked on her baby in an emotional embrace.

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Lakhwinder went out the last.


The incident happened on October 8, and part of the footage shows the bystanders appearing to discuss how to cover the manhole.

According to people living in the area, the manhole had been open for several days despite warnings to the authorities.



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