What Harry Potter House am I in- if that’s a question on your mind, we’ve got the right answers just for you.
While we all can’t escape into the world of Hogwarts, the situation isn’t as bad as it may seem. Yes, Harry Potter fans are getting prayers answered by the second. And this question isn’t a mystery any longer.
It’s all thanks to Pottermore for making a cherishing discovery. And of course, for bringing more anticipation into young people’s lives. Well, we might need to change that thought. Potter fans aren’t restricted to any age group. Moreover, they’re all about diversity across the board.
So what’s the next best thing to visiting Hogwarts after all? Well, it’s a sorting experience, thanks to Wizarding World. Previously on Pottermore, you can now figure out what Harry Potter house am I in with sheer ease. So what are you waiting for?
Find out the unknown with this startling experience
Are you Gryffindor or Hufflepuff? Perhaps, you may be Slytherin or Ravenclaw? Whatever the case may be, it’s an experience that has plenty of people talking.point 297 |
The famed sorting experience by J.point 29 | K.point 31 | Rowling is no longer a fantasy.point 57 | It’s about staying loyal as ever with houses galore.point 107 | 1
For those who forgot what it’s all about, here’s a quick refresher down memory lane. In total, there are 4 Hogwarts houses. While it was presumably founded centuries ago, the powerful wizards don’t change. For instance, you’ve got Godric Griffindor and Salazar Slytherin. Let’s not forget Helga Hufflepuff and Rowena Ravenclaw. And they’re the ones that actually chose to split those students into 4 separate housing entities.
What Harry Potter House am I in?
So what do the houses comprise of in the first place? Well for starters, they’re named after the wizards’ surnames.point 256 |
Secondly, they feature younger witches as well as wizards too.point 53 | These famed personalities always put forward great abilities as well as personalities for things they wanted to nurture.point 156 | 1
But how was this even possible in the first place? Well, Gryffindor made use of magical hats. Hence, people called him ‘Sorting Hat.’ The name carries special meaning because it ultimately decides which kids go into which home. And ever since that introduction, a sorting ceremony takes place on a yearly basis.
Every house has its own entry requirements
Did you know that every single house has a requirement of its own? Yes, you need to fit the description before venturing into the home. So what are they and who decides the rules in the first place?
Well, it’s all possible thanks to the classic sorting hat itself.
Some of the familiar faces include Harry Potter himself, Ron Weasley, and the wonderful Hermione Granger. Yes, it’s the house that everyone wants to be in but only brave souls with nerve enter.
Some of the common members include Scamander, Nymphadora Tonks, and Cedric Diggory too. Moreover, these members are loyal and just so patient.
Some of the famous members include Luna Lovegood and Filius Flitwick. Here, members are witty and learning. And they will always find their kind.
From Severus and Draco to Lord Voldemort, the list of famed members are plenty. These individuals are determined and ever so real. You’ll surely see them going long distances to make ends meet.
Are you excited about the news of finding out the answer to What Harry Potter House am I In? Certainly, there are fans from all around the world who wondered the right answer to this question. And now, you’re a simple click away from unveiling magical things
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