Categories: FamilyHealth

Mother Who Breastfeeds Other’s Babies Wants A Wet Nursing Network

A 27- year- old, young mother of two has expressed her desire of creating a wet nursing network.


Coincidently, the Texan citizen is letting the world know about the great benefits of breastfeeding as well as wet nursing.

Overall, the mother of two is also sending shockwaves regarding her breastfeeding revelations. This relates to the 27-year-old’s claims that comprise of personally breastfeeding more than 12 babies. And these infants were in no way related to her.

Source: Stay At Home Mum

The world is taking notice of her bizarre claims, with many questioning her stance in the first place. However, this has not stopped the outspoken mother of two from speaking on the topic. She’s also opening up about how she encourages others to do the same or breastfeed other’s children.


The Texan woman opens up about her involvement in wet nursing

Lacey Dangerstone isn’t your average Texan citizen. She’s an outspoken woman who holds no fear in expressing her thoughts. For this reason, it’s no surprise why the 27-year-old has the world at a standstill with her unique wet nursing story.


The mother of two held an interview with the Daily Mail, where she explained her desire to create a wet nursing network. But that was just the beginning of her fascinating revelations.

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Source: Daily Mail

Lacey explained how she first began wet nursing other children after her daughter was born.point 346 |


This includes wet nursing her friend’s nine-month-old baby, while the parents were away for a weekend.point 89 | Simultaneously, the mother of two claimed that she was producing a lot of milk because of her daughter’s birth.point 184 | And that’s why she decided to stay over at her friend’s home to breastfeed her kids.point 257 | 1

Source: Daily Mail

Mother of two expresses the desire to create a global wet nursing network

Ever since that episode of wet nursing, Lacey has also breastfed a number of other kids. This includes her nephew, infants of her friends, and those of her friends of friends. Overall, she claims that she has wet nursed more than 12 children.


The mother of two also shockingly revealed how she continued with her desire of wet-nursing during her second pregnancy, back in 2014.

Source: GoodtoKnow

Lacey has also worked as a former nanny. And that’s where her desire for wet nursing arose, although she does explain how she’s always wanted to breastfeed others, since childhood.


While growing up, many other women breastfed Lacey. In short, it explains her passion to rid society from a great many taboos that come with breastfeeding.

Woman claims that she ‘doesn’t expect money’ in return for wet nursing other people’s kids

Lacey expressed that she isn’t keen on the idea of getting money for her service of helping others. Currently, the ex-nanny wet nurses her friend’s baby, once in a week. While she receives money for the babysitting, she doesn’t expect the same for her nursing services.

Source: Daily Mail

The breastfeeding enthusiast also made claims about her difficult childhood where her mom enduringly to make ends meet. And that’s when her mom hired a baby sitter who also breastfed her. For this reason, it was never a taboo for her

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Source: Mad World News

Breastfeeding enthusiast explains how an international wet nursing network will benefit the masses

Lacey wants to spread the concept of wet nursing in the world.point 256 |


The Texan citizen says that this network will involve mothers from Australia, Canada, the UK, the USA, and Europe.point 96 | This ensures every child gets the nurturing goodness from breastfeeding.point 159 | 1

Source: Mad World News

Lacey explains:


“My view of wet nursing is that it feels right and is a natural important thing for the child. I could express milk into a bottle, the mother could express milk into the bottle but that is a lot of fuss when you have a breast available and milk literally at the ready.”


Today, Lacey says that she’s facing great criticism from people around the world. However, she is adamant about pursuing her global wet nursing goals.