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“We’re Thick & Confident!”- Outcry On Social Media As ‘Plus-Size’ Women In Hooters Uniform Take Center Stage

t3.png?fit=1024%2C670&ssl=1&strip=all - "We're Thick & Confident!"- Outcry On Social Media As ‘Plus-Size’ Women In Hooters Uniform Take Center Stage

A group of plus-size women has started a national debate on social media after they chose to dress up in low-cut and revealing Hooters uniforms for Halloween.



Posing in front of plenty of viewers online, the women had one message to give to the viral chain of restaurants and that relates to how they believe Hooters discriminate against larger women. 

Source: New York Post

For this reason, the women did their level best in sending out an image of body positivity, hoping people’s mindsets and standards can change over time. 


The famous restaurant that’s known for tiny women donning skimpy uniforms while serving some finger-licking wings, breasts, and thighs is now under fire as many of these plus-size women want a chance to be a part of their team. 

Source: The Sun

Ever since the images of the unique incident went viral, the franchise is being criticized because so many viewers on social media are engaged in a heated debate on whether or not Hooters should change its standards for hiring women, giving equality to all.


One viewer on Twitter was quick to mention how the women’s stance on the whole scenario was very interesting and he certainly didn’t mind seeing thicker women serving his meals. 

Source: Indy 100

But who are these women is a question on so many people’s minds.


Well, you may recognize one familiar face who happens to be a plus-size influencer, Chynna Turner. Alongside her, you’ll find six of her friends that look sexy and confident while dressed as the famous staffers from Hooters. 

Some viewers went as far as mentioning how they were fooled into thinking that Hooters had finally changed their hiring policy, giving thicker women a chance. But the restaurant denied any such claims, adding how they had nothing to do with this stunt. 

Source: The Independent

Do you think these plus-size women did a good job at promoting their message across social media or not? Let us know in the comments section and SHARE the news with others too. 


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