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Waitress Pranked Customers While “Wearing NOTHING” But A Thong And Body Paint

gggsdf.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Waitress Pranked Customers While "Wearing NOTHING" But A Thong And Body Paint

It’s a prank that is bringing plenty of men’s fantasies to life.


Famed body painter, Jen Seidel, went on board with model Shannon for a revealing prank. And it wouldn’t be wrong to term it as too good to be true.

Yes, the blond bombshell served up food and drinks in fantasy style, wearing nothing but a thong. While her bare breasts came covered with body paint, it was still quite revealing. Meanwhile, Shannon carried out the role of a naked server at Maryland’s Lee Landing Dock Bar. And needless to say, the place is always bustling with customers galore.


The entire motive of the naked prank revolved around seeing how clients would react. Unbelievingly, the social experiment went pretty well. From the stares and hoots to men gawking to extremes, it was a unique affair. And it was all recorded thanks to fixed hidden cameras too.

naked prank
Source: Toronto Sun

Naked prank gets wild

Imagine walking into your favorite bar to find out how the servers are working nude! Yes, it’s a social experiment with model Shannon and Jen Seidel as the brainchild. And if you think this woman fulfilled many male fantasies, you’re close.


The model also received an unpleasant and unwelcoming groping too, from a woman! Moreover, the model was taken aback by her own naked prank. Shannon served drinks like a normal cocktail waitress. And she strutted her stuff in nothing but a thong.


Her breasts remain bare, although covered with plenty of body paint and pasties. How’s that for shocking?

Source: Sputnik News

Jen Seidel- the brainchild behind it all

If you’re wondering how the sudden urge for a naked prank came about in the first place, well, you have Jen Seidel to thank. The star body painter is the creative brainchild behind some of the most viral pranks. And needless to say, this one was no exception.


To get the reactions it deserved, she hired a stellar blond bombshell to do the job. Certainly, she delivered promising results.

Using a little extra professional help from her colleague and fellow painter, Jen took her skills to another level of bizarre and unique. Moreover, the paint was so good that it almost made Shannon appear with a cropped tank top and cut-off shorts.

Source: YouTube

The social experiment gets success

Hard work truly paid off when Shannon got the most memorable reactions from customers. After all, when do you see such a stunning blond covered with nothing but bodypaint?


Yes, the outfit appeared very real but clients have a sharp eye. They were confident and quick to recognize how she was wearing nothing. On one occasion, one client gave the model a really long and hard stare. And then he carried on talking with his mates. All the men on the table were equally surprised and confused at what was really going on.

Source: The Baltic World

You can even hear one of the patrons say out loud, ‘that girl is wearing no clothes!’ Another one even passed out a comment when the bombshell returned with another serving of drinks. He asked the model whether it was too hot to actually put some clothes on. And clearly, he was referring to her outfit.

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Source: Lee’s Landing/Facebook

Nearly nude- the priceless reactions

Shannon played along with the male patrons, acting in her role perfectly.point 228 |


And needless to say, the funny stares and comments kept on coming.point 55 | Whenever she walked by, quite a few customers took double takes to get a nice glimpse.point 126 | At the same time, several men couldn’t keep their gaze off of her.point 186 | But who’s to blame.point 208 |


It is a free world after all.point 23 | 1

Women also gave out unique reactions. Some stopped her and asked whether it was body paint. And one went as far as screaming, ‘I love it! I hate you!’ But the woman who actually pointed and poked Shannon’s boobies took the cake for the most awkward reaction of them all.



For more bizarre stories from around the globe, don’t forget to take a look at our article Airlines Humiliates Mom and Kicks Her Off Flight with Her 7-Year-Old For Wearing Revealing Outfit.