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Vandals Attack Black Lives Matter Mural Outside Trump Tower For The 3rd Time

aaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Vandals Attack Black Lives Matter Mural Outside Trump Tower For The 3rd Time

Miscreants attempted another attack over the famous Trump Tower BLM mural in NYC, for the third time in a row.


Moreover, the shocking news had plenty of people in fury as the attacks keep on coming. While the county faces opposition for poor safety concerns regarding the care of these murals, it’s not uncommon to see rants across the board. Keeping in mind the fact that these attacks occurred in a span of a week, it’s heartbreaking for some.


Other than that, the Trump tower is quite famous. However, it’s surprising how attackers seem to carry out attacks with ease and get away with it. Hence, plenty of people are speaking out on the matter. And we’ve rounded the list of details here just for you.

trump tower
Source: NBC News

BLM mural under attack for the third time

Gone are the days when safeguarding property was an easy task. Today, the United States is constantly under fire over attacks on BLM murals. Moreover, the recent incident at Trump Tower has plenty of people wondering- what is really going on?


In a mere span of just a week, this is the 3rd time that such an incident took place. Unsurprisingly, the country made arrests last Saturday too regarding the incident. Situated in midtown, this new attack took place within 24 hours of the last one. At the same time, this makes it the third attack to take place this week. How’s that for shocking?

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Source: ABC News

Vandals smear black colored tar across a mural

While the attacks keep on increasing, you can see vandals getting all the more creative.point 227 |


Gone are the days when simple paint or spray paint ruled the defacing world.point 63 | Today, miscreants make use of black tar to destroy murals completely.point 122 | And without any doubt, it truly left a disastrous impression over the intricately designed piece.point 205 | 1


Blackened tar amid yellow surroundings- that was the end result of their behavior, shocking plenty in the city. Above all, this attack took place right after a new crew redesigned it. Therefore, it made matters worse to see a freshly painted piece go down the drain again.

Source: NBC New York

If that drama wasn’t enough, reports confirmed how an officer slipped in the paint too. The NYPD cop attempted to arrest one woman for carrying out the attack. However, he fell prey to the wet medium, slipping to the ground. Reports confirmed how he sustained minor injuries too along the way.


Police responds to defacing incident at Trump tower

The NYPD police association confirmed how one officer fell and received minor wounds in the incident. However, they were grateful that the officer will be OK. ‘This nonsense needs to stop,” he exclaimed.


On the other hand, a recent video showcased a woman screaming at the top of her lungs. She explained how she wished authorities would ‘refund the police.’ But this isn’t the first time that such a cry for change took over the media. During the past couple of months, citizens keep demanding state heads to fund the police again. And clearly, this is in opposition to the BLM outcry to ‘defund the police.’

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Source: NY1.point 111 | com

Vandal flaunts ‘all lives matter’ slogan

As the investigations for the Trump tower incident increase, more and more details regarding the case surface.point 255 |


REports confirmed how the attacker donned a a cape with matching shirt.point 60 | It read, ‘All lives matter.point 89 | ’ Soon, officers put the lady into custody, right after arresting her.point 154 | But the lady seemed to show no guilt or shame for her wrongdoing.point 207 | 1

Source: The New York Times

Upon asking why she actually embarked upon the act, she simply smirked away. However, in the video, you can clearly identify her as dumping paint as she runs over the mural.


The women claim that all lives do matter and how it’s wrong to use taxpayer’s money for the act. Hence, it’s interesting to see how things unfold in the next few weeks regarding the mural at Trump tower.


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