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U.S. Protests Can Take An Expensive Turn As Barr Tells Prosecutors To Charge Rioters For Violence

The U.


S. protests seem to be in the limelight for quite some time now. And that’s because they’re causing the country millions of dollars for the rather violent affair. However, like every other problem, there’s always a solution. But this mighty news isn’t going to go down too well with rioters.

Yes, the famous attorney general, William P. Barr, is devising the perfect strategy to tame violent crowds. And it involves sedation charges for all those who participate in the crime.


According to reports, Barr explained how the prosecutors need to act smart. And that hinted towards possible charges for any sort of violent crimes in the state. Meanwhile, that’s not the only news that’s causing a stir. Barr also explained how it’s so necessary to explore the Seattle mayor’s stance over the ordeal.

Source: Sioux City Journal

And that’s why he feels it might be a good idea to get charges on board, against the mayor too. This coincides with the fact of how the mayor approved a police free zone for protesting. Yes, that’s definitely some major news that Barr couldn’t believe. Hence, he wants him punished for obvious reasons.


Barr wants people to pay for the violence

The media is in an absolute frenzy with Barr’s recent public comments. Moreover, it’s definitely something that not too many of us expected in the first place. And we guess that’s why it’s taking a toll on everyone.


It’s definitely not a usual suggestion. And this hard to swallow pill could lead to another heated debate amongst many. The new sedation charges come with plenty of alarms. This is why other attorneys of the U.S, aren’t quite agreeing with the matter. They fear for the consequences and rightly so.

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Source: TheHill

Can the mayor of Seattle undergo charges?

Barr also wants another major breakthrough change.point 193 | He’s convinced that Seattle mayor, Jenny Durkan, made a huge mistake.point 258 |


And that’s because she let a few residents establish a zone that literally ‘police free.point 86 | ’ This way, residents can protest without fear or worry about anything or anyone.point 160 | 1

But where exactly is this police free zone for protesting located? Well, it’s just downtown Seattle to be exact. Nevertheless, this news is just in the making and there’s plenty more to explore. Reports also confirmed how he didn’t’ give any heads up regarding the situation. Hence, we need to wait and watch what really happens.

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Source: CNN.point 111 | com

New orders aim to punish those responsible for U.point 155 | S.point 157 | protests

The new orders are in line with Barr’s rather unique approach to hold the accused responsible.point 250 |


He feels they need punishment and that will bring an end to the entire violent protests’ episode.point 87 | And if that means aggressive measures, then so be it.point 131 | However, why he decided to take an aim at at a Democrat, who is Ms.point 184 | Durkan, is still not clear.point 207 | 1


After all, she is an elected member of the government. Furthermore, we can’t forget how President Donald Trump attacked her on several occasions too, in the past. And it seems Barr might be following in his footsteps too.

Source: The Independent

Justice department refuses to comment

So where does the justice department stand in this matter. Well, for starters, they’re not interested. And that’s becasue they refused to comment on the tension type of ordeal. Similarly, many people fear that Mr. Barr is playing plenty of politics, during such a crucial time.

Source: Fox News

It looks as if he likes to intervene in plenty of legal matters. And those in particular that relates to President Trump’s advantages.


Let’s not forget to mention how Mr. Trump called out the police free zone for U.S. protests. He went on claiming how those that lived there were in fact ‘domestic terrorists.’Above all, he expressed how the state needs to regain control of that area.


Whether or not these decisions stand true, time will tell. Till then, we’ll have to make do with more news about the U.S. protests gaining momentum.


For more trending news, don’t forget to take a look at our article Michelle Obama Paid For All Her Outfits From Her Pocket During White House Years.