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Trans Model Danna Sultana Kisses Husband’s 8-Month Baby Bump And The World Can’t Handle It

fsadsfa.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Trans Model Danna Sultana Kisses Husband’s 8-Month Baby Bump And The World Can’t Handle It

Danna Sultana is a name that’s unknown to none.


But for those who may not know, she’s a trans model that’s truly breaking stereotypes.

Recently, the famous personality shared a rather unique picture that broke the internet by miles. Think along the lines of bizarre meets fascinating. Yes, it’s a rather memorable image that’s guaranteed to make you smile!


But what exactly did it contain that couldn’t help her fans and followers from gushing? Well, here, Danna Sultana gets caught kissing her husband’s 8-month baby bump. And to put it simply, people simply can’t handle it.

Here’s more on the heartwarming picture and the story that surrounds it all.

danna sultana
Source: PR Headline News

Danna Sultana- a trans model that’s turning heads

When it comes to turning heads across the board, Danna Sultana scores high on the list. Moreover, her unique story is one that people cherish and appreciate.


Danna was originally born as a male but she identifies as a female. Meanwhile, today, she’s turning heads for another reason. Therefore, it’s a moment of pure joy for the trans model and her husband. The beautiful couple is expecting a baby together. And they simply couldn’t be happier.

Source: Ananova

Their story is rather unique and one that Danna doesn’t mind sharing with the world. It’s no wonder why she’s massed a huge fan following through her social media accounts. From her real-life experiences to all the roller coaster moments by her side, this star manages to share it all.


But her recent photograph with her husband by her side is probably the most awaited one of them all. Therefore, it would be wrong to say that she’s stealing hearts from all sides of the spectrum.

Source: CEN/@f3f1to

One heart-melting moment that changed it all

Before we get into the stellar photograph itself, let’s go down memory lane. Danna Sultana is a model whose origin relates to a male. However, the star identifies herself as a female. On the other hand, her husband, Esteban Landrau, was born a female but identifies as a male.


So what did the star Columbian model decide to do when she wanted to reveal her joyous pregnancy with the world? She shared one of the most sentimental images of them all.

Captioning the photograph with ‘Love is love,’ the picture featured Danna leaning down towards her husband’s 8-month pregnant belly. At that point in time, she reaches down and kisses it. And you can only imagine what happened after that.

Source: Opera News

A picture worth a thousand words goes viral

The trans model has an overwhelming number of fans on her Instagram account. If you’re wondering about an exact estimate, well, hold your horses. And that’s because it’s a big number.


She has 218,000 followers who simply can’t get enough of the star. Yes, that’s a reality that even we’re struggling with while accepting. Moreover, there’s more news.

Source: Daily Motion

Esteban actually thought he was entering into a pre-mature labor phase. For that reason, the pair arrived at a nearby hospital. However, doctors told them to wait some more.


They felt it was too early for labor. And the reason Esteban felt those contractions might have to do with the baby’s size. So, as the waiting games began, it really turned into an anticipating ordeal.

Source: Unilad

Bundle of joy arrives- a moment of sheer bliss

Local media reports showed how the couple conceived their pregnancy through natural means. And that relates to the fact that both husband and wife still have their original organs.

Source: Unilad

The beautiful pair went on announcing the pregnancy last February. This comprised of a picture showcasing Danna holding her pregnancy test. For the caption, it included the line, ‘ dreams do come true.’ And since then, fans simply couldn’t wait nor be happier for them both.




For more trending stories from around the globe, don’t forget to check out our article Win For Transgender Community As Satanist Anarchist Leads Bid For New Hampshire’s Sheriff.