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Tragic Family Affair: Hero Teen Dies While Saving Mother From Knife Wielding Rapist

ggggggggggg.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Tragic Family Affair: Hero Teen Dies While Saving Mother From Knife Wielding Rapist

You may have come across plenty of incidents involving a tragic family affair, but this one definitely ranks high.


It’s a tale of how an innocent teen died while fighting for his mother. Moreover, the story is actually sadder than it may seem. The 15-year-old boy lost his life as he attempted to free his mother from a rapist.

Meanwhile, authorities confirmed the shocking details of the incident, which took place recently. Today, the young soul may be dead for many, but for loved ones and his mother, he is the biggest hero.


The Russian teen fought bravely till his last breath. Moreover, his ultimate aim revolved around freeing his mom from a heinous sexual predator. Certainly, he won that battle but lost the strive to stay alive. Here are more rippling details surrounding the bitter and chilling case.

tragic family affair
Source: Sky News

The tragic family affair comes to life in Russia

The world stood at a standstill as chilling news broke out in Russia. A young 15-year-old boy played savior for his mother. Moreover, he sacrificed his own life, just to save his mom from a cruel rapist. As he tried to rape her, the son arrived just in the nick of time for a wonderful rescue.


Till his last breath, he defended her. But his injuries that he sustained were too deep. According to reports, he died after succumbing to his wounds, after a 9-month stay in a coma. But one can never forget the brave face he put up along the way.


Poice identified the young victim as Vanya Krapivin. Recent details emerging from the case showed how his mother was not only confronted with a sexual assault but also a possible death. Yes, the rapist had intentions to do both. However, destiny had something else in mind for the mother.

Source: Sky News

Innocent teen dies after a fierce battle

But where did the young and innocent teen get the courage for such a heroic showdown? Well, it might be the love for a mother which instilled in him a fearless attitude.


While the assailant injured him severely with massive blows to his head, the end result spelled disaster of a whole new kind. Meanwhile, Sky News reported how the terrifying incident took place in the first place. And needless to say, it’s a chilling story by all means.

Source: The Sun

The young teen was walking home from school one day. However, he suddenly stopped at a location in the northwestern region of Russia. This area was very close to his own home. As he soon arrived in the vicinity, he apparently walked in on his neighbor who was trying to rape his mother.


Thanks to his relentless efforts and perfect timing, he made sure his mother left unharmed.

Source: The Sun

15-year-old boy sacrifices life for mother’s sake

Vanya quickly rushed by his mother’s side. And that’s when he picked up a massive 6-pound heavy dumbbell. Soon, he struck the alleged rapist with it. But that wasn’t the end of the predator’s fight.


The rapist named Pronin got up and mustered enough strength to fight back. A teen was facing a massive battle against a fully grown man. However, he never allowed fear to come his way.

Pronin wrestled the teen to the ground, striking the young teen with the very same dumbbell across his head. And that was the end.


The attacker quickly fled from the scene. It was a tragic family affair with the most harrowing ending.

Source: Daily Star

Neighbors find mother and son unconscious

Neighbors found the mother and son duo unconscious, lying on the floor. Since the attack was so loud, neighbors from the entire community gathered.


Doctors revealed how the young boy arrived in a state of coma. Moreover, they needed to remove a part of his brain to save him during surgery. Over a span of 9 months, he stayed in a state of coma. But when he did open his eyes, he recognized his nurse. His mother suffered from stabbing injuries but also soon recovered.

Source: BritAsian News

However, during his recovery phase, the teen contracted the flu and passed away sadly. And that was the end of the most tragic family affair ever.


Today, Russian authorities are still undergoing investigations to understand how this event took place. Moreover, how did a man who was convicted for attempted murder flee from jail?


For more shocking stories from around the globe, don’t forget to take a look at our article 10-Year-Old Girl Crushes And Kills Baby By Stomping Head As Father Cries For Justice.