Categories: FunnyMemes

8 Thrilling Coworker Memes That Are Giving Drop Dead Hilarious A New Name

When it comes to coworker memes, there is truly no need for any introduction.


After all, your office colleagues come into a different class of human beings altogether. From days of laughter to the most stellar hangouts, you know exactly who to turn to at the workplace. Did we mention how everyone pretends like they don’t know each other when the clock strikes 5 pm?


Yes, that’s the sheer beauty of coworkers and these memes are truly going to be worth your while. Moreover, you’ll be amazed how brilliantly the humor gets passed around so conveniently. Hence, let’s take a look at what the world is raving about and why you need to make these a part of your workforce.


No one’s the boss here, honey

Source: Pinterest

Coworker memes like these explain the beauty of the office. But honey, it’s needless to say how these types of things are just unacceptable. When it comes to the boss, you’re not getting away with it. And with a facial expression like we dare anyone to pass by with ease.


The struggle is real- coworker memes to swear by

Source: Pinterest

Whether you like it or not, the workplace is the place where you need to act like an adult. Therefore, putting your ego and emotions aside, the show must go on. And if that means faking your way through all the nonsense, then so be it!


Do not disturb

point 12 |
Source: Bored Panda

When it comes to vacations, there’s simply no excuse for work.point 187 | And whether the office ship is sinking or your colleagues need a little extra assistance, ‘do not disturb’ is the theme.point 299 |


Certainly, no one wants to hear nagging complaints in the rare few work-free days.point 69 | So what’s the moral of the story, relax while it lasts.point 120 | 1

Those were the good old days

Source: Hilarious Humanitarian

If these coworker memes don’t take you back to the classic days of starting work from day one, then we’re not quite sure what will. Those were the days when newbies came in fresh and bursting with ideas. Today, we’re all old souls and there’s simply no other way about it.


It’s a feeling that plenty of coworkers can relate to

point 50 |
Source: Boredpanda.point 168 | com

No matter where you belong, there’s always that one colleague who has us all wondering how they’re still working here.point 282 |


I mean come on, it’s almost as if you second guess the boss’s hiring criteria.point 76 | Moreover, as dreadful as it sounds, this reality is one that has us all in sheer disbelief.point 151 | 1

You simply can’t sum up things better than this

point 196 |
Source: Memes Monkey Discovery Engine

What better way to describe your daily workday than this! And yes, very rare would anyone deny doing what this meme explains brilliantly.point 444 |


Have you ever wondered why these people are avid coffee drinkers in the first place? Well, now you know.point 86 | It’s to help rid the procrastination for days.point 131 | 1

Excuse me please, I’ll be right back

Source: Did You Know

When nature calls, you don’t have a lot in your hands. And this meme explains that dreadful feeling altogether. Moreover, it’s such a bad coincidence to have a colleague’s timing in line at the most awkward times. Now can someone please get the air freshener on an ASAP basis?


If lazy had a face- coworker memes for days

Source: Fairygodboss

Laziness is getting a revamp like no other, thanks to this meme. Yes, what better way to look at the horrible trait than something like this. Oh, how we wish people would stop complaining and get on with tasks. But again, that’s an integral part of the fun at the office.



For more trending stories from around the globe, don’t forget to take a look at our article Top 8 BLM Memes Sure To Give The Movement A Hilariously Twisted Name.