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13 Kids Rescued After Being Mistreated By Parents For Years! Bodycam Footage Revealed The Insides Of A Horror House

Police body camera footage revealed shocking things that happen even in this century.


Police raided a house in California. The officers found 13 children aged 2 to 29 getting abused by their parents. 2 siblings among the 13 children told how their parents used to imprison, punish and starve them in their house.

Source: ABC

On January 14, 2018, police received a call from one of the children in which she revealed how they were abused in the house and has nobody to rescue them except the police. When the police knocked at the ‘horror house’ door late at night, they told the parents that they were there for a welfare check.


The police found piles of garbage, dirty food, and 13 extremely skinny children. After arresting the parents, the police inquired about the keys of the locks as one of the children was found shackled to a bed. After the raid, the children were shifted to the hospital, where emotional and medical support, food, and clean clothes were provided to the children.

Source: ABC

It was revealed that the parents forced all the children to sleep during the daytime and used to punish them for minor mistakes, including eating the parent’s food. The poor children were placed in cages and were beaten until they bled for disobedience. David Turpin, father of the 13 children, and his wife are sentenced to spend 25 years in jail.

Source: RadarOnline.com

The children were forced to live in a dirty and smelly area where even breathing was difficult. They never took baths and had limited access to clean clothes. They were told that all of them would be shifted to Oklahoma soon. These terrible events happened years ago, but the children are still scared that their parents will return.

Source: AP

Please share this article with your family and friends and ask them to be nice to each other. Be grateful for what you have, as many people living in this world lack basic amenities.


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