Categories: DIYLife

10 Of The Best & Versatile Tattoos For Virgos You Must See

There are tattoos that all normal, boring-ass people get even Virgos that’s why the shops have various tattoos for them.


In fact, there are tattoos according to the Zodiac signs. Apparently, those who are obsessed with their Zodiac signs get tattoos that are according to either the signs or something else related to the signs.

Down below are some inspirations of simple Virgos tattoos as tattoos for Virgos are quite unique.


Finding the right position for simple Virgo tattoos

point 44 |
Buzzfeed.point 153 | com

Get one behind your neck but not too below the neck that it gets hidden in the shirt.point 224 |


Nor too high that you’d have to shave your hair off from the neck to show.point 65 | Get it in the just-right position where you can move your hair a little and the tattoo will be visible and if you want to hide it from someone, you can just let your hair open.point 206 | 1


What is this Virgo tattoo meaning?


Here’s one tattoo for Virgos that is just right. Do you want to get the Virgo constellation? The meaning of this dot-motif is you make one according to your constellation and you’d be happy as ever!


What about flowery kind tattoos for Virgos?


If you’re a Virgo and you have a strong affiliation with flowers of all kinds, especially Chrysanthemums, KNOW that this is it for you! Get yourself a Chrysanthemums flower tattooed as it’s one of the best tattoos for Virgos.


Asters: The right flower for Virgos


Want something else tattooed on your arm or thigh, other than Chrysanthemums flower? The good news is there is actually a flower for Virgos which people love to get. It’s called Asters, very pretty and unique and you will just love it if you get it done by a professional tattoo artist.


The Virgo order


You know you aren’t truly a Virgo if you don’t crave order, specification, perfection, and organization. These 4 factors make you the Virgo man or a woman that you are today! So here’s a perfect tattoo for you.


Have you ever seen old people with tattoos? These pictures will drop your jaw

The traditional Virgo symbol


Well, what else could be a better tattoo for Virgos than this one right here? It’s your sign, your traditional Virgo symbol, and just perfect for you, whether you’re a man or woman!


A little less symbolic


Want something a little less symbolic? Try this abstract design of the wheat bundle that the Virgo woman of the Zodiac sign seems to be carrying with it. It’s unique and it’s simple and the Virgos throughout the world will just know you right away but rest of the world can stay confused ;))


A wheat design


Ok, so want something even better than the Virgo woman itself and the abstract design of wheat bundle we talked above? There you have it, one of the perfect tattoos for Virgo, and this is a wheat design in a circle of perfection.


The multi-skilled representation


Virgos are a perfect balance of introverts and extroverts with most of the people having an introvert personality. The cherry on top of these people is their skills whether it’s a great fashion sense or an amazing writing skill.


You name any skill in the world and there will be a Virgo with it Here’s one tattoo for the absolutely skilled Virgos out there.

The dark-themed tattoo


Last but not the least, a dream catcher, with a wolf on a dark night howling at the moon. As well as the star constellation in the perfect Virgo direction and symmetry is what you need if you run out of options as a Virgo person.


It’s unique, perfect, will confuse the non-observant, and make you stand out in the crow especially if you get it on your arm. I mean, isn’t it all that you need as a Virgo anyway?

Let us know which idea of tattoos for Virgos was your favorite and we’ll bring more tattoo inspirations for other signs as well. Stay tuned and stay happy. Keep following WhatToLaugh for updates and more interesting and funny blogs to cheer you up. Making your day is our primary goal and we adhere to our promises.