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Step-Siblings Divide TikTok Users With Private And Passionate Couple Shares

gggggggggggsdf.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Step-Siblings Divide TikTok Users With Private And Passionate Couple Shares

TikTok Stars who are actually step-siblings aren’t afraid to show the world their affection.


And as the famed step sibling couple passionately kiss to recreate their very first moments of affection, the world was taken aback. Diana Camila Avila and her boy toy, Jordie Vena, say they’re dating and madly in love. And to make their relationship public and famous, they’re creating the most bizarre TikTok videos.


Think along the lines of private moments galore and things that are better left offscreen. However, you can’t help but notice people’s reactions to the rather sensitive matter. In particular, the reenactment of their very first kiss is ‘disturbing’ users around the globe.

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Source: News.point 112 | com.point 116 | au

Step-siblings and their relationship- unraveling the bizarre turn

It all started 6 years, thanks to their parents.point 216 |


The duo claims that’s when they actually met.point 40 | And they’re super grateful for their parents for introducing.point 99 | But who knew love would be on the cards for step siblings.point 146 | After all, it’s not one of those traditional couples we see routinely.point 207 | 1


Meanwhile, the couple is going viral by explaining how they began dating in the year 2017. It was an attraction that they simply can’t put into words. Today, they’re madly in love with one another and they can’t have it any other way.

Source: TikTok/alphafamilia

600,000 followers- going strong

You will be startled to find out how 600,000 followers adore the unique duo. On a rather routinely basis, they post some of the most bizarre passionate scenes. And for many, it’s getting a little too much. But what exactly do the videos contain?


Well, it’s everything that should stay behind closed doors. For instance, role-playing, making out, and numerous other couple ordeals. How’s that for strange? In addition, you’ll find them trying out other love trends too and it might be a little much for some.

Source: TikTok/alphafamilia

The genetic attraction of a whole new kind

Why are their TikTok fans in a dilemma? Well, it might have to do with the mere fact that a family movie night took a step for the worse. While for many, family movie nights are all about heartwarming vibes with plenty of leg-pulling and smiles, things went differently here.

Source: TikTok alphafamilia

Recently, Diana revealed how she and her beau enacted their very first kiss. And no, we’re not talking about a simple peck. It was way more than that.


The family movie night revolved around a passionate lip lock and users are cringing indefinitely. For their justification, they explained how ‘siblings are often attracted to one another.’ Furthermore, that was enough to get the ball rolling in the wrong direction.

Source: Kidspot

Love at first sight- the step-siblings way

Due to the unusual circumstances, Diana explains how it was true ‘love at first sight.’ Moreover, they revealed how at first, they kept their feelings to themselves. This related to unusual circumstances too.


Diana goes on to add how their love doesn’t get the feedback it deserves. People look down on it, giving out negative vibes and hate towards their relationship. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the couple receives hate daily.

Today, the couple posts as one under a single account name. And as days go by, the ‘alphafamilia’ duo is gaining more and more strength via followers.

Source: Newshub

Step-siblings receive plenty of hate on a daily basis

Step-sibling love birds explain how ‘love is love.’ And sometimes, you just don’t know who you’re going to fall for in the long one. Today, they’re content around one another and hence choose to show the world their estranged feelings.


Some of the videos are rather racy, to say the least. For instance, it’s not uncommon to see Diana in provocative costumes like sexy clowns, a maid, or ever a hot policewoman. Moreover, the pair has no intention to stop either with their screen performances.



For more bizarre stories from around the globe, don’t forget to take a look at our article Hero Teen Dies While Saving Mother From Knife-Wielding Rapist.