This blog isn’t just for women with short girl problems but the tall people whether they’re girls or boys, too.
So you know how sometimes the short girls face problems that you may never know unless you read below.

First of all, let us get started by saying, this world is built for tall people only. One of the biggest short girl problems is the fact that everything on this planet is above your head. Well, at least not some pets. If you’re a short girl reading this, don’t be sad, we’ve got some amazing news! YOU’RE NOT ALONE!!
An interesting fact is, 68% of the world’s female population is in between the height of 5 foot 1 inch to 5 foot 8 inches. And that’s the standard deviation. But don’t worry if you fall below the category of 5 feet. You’ll still relate to this article, laugh a little and just chill about your height. After all, you’re a girl, be thankful that you can wear heels at times.
You jump to reach something from the top shelf

Now whether you’re home or at a store, you hate to jump up and down to grab something.point 225 |
Comparatively, at home, it’s much better even if one or two things fall with you.point 73 | But at the stores, especially a grocery store, you have to be careful no one’s watching you and on top of that, you have to save yourself from cans or bottles falling on you.point 220 |
Tip-toe-ing isn’t your thing!point 32 | 1
Everyone calls you ‘cute’
Even if your features make you ‘pretty’ or ‘extremely beautiful’, because of your height, people will always call you cute no matter what! Now it’s kind of annoying but hey! It’s sort of cute, too!!
Concerts aren’t for you!
The worst short girl problem is, you cannot manage to jump up and down all the time during a concert! So it’s a big no for you. Unless you have a tall friend who’s ready to pick you up on their shoulders!!
Their walking is your jogging
Tall people walk and short people…? Well, they jog and run to keep up with their friends. Another worst short girl problem!!
Dangling feet
Here we go again, the ‘cute’ problem of a short girl. No matter what size the chairs are, if you sit back actively, your feet will always be left in the air. And who knows some cats might start playing with it.
The pool isn’t for you unless..
You know you have Short Girl Problems when you can’t go swimming until and unless you decide to stay in the kids’ section of the pool. So basically, anything fun, especially at fun rides and carnivals, you have to prove yourself to be over 18 if you’re going on a certain ride.
That is of course because of your height. But hey! There’s a benefit to it, there are some rides where you can sneak in, proving yourself a little kid and enjoy them whilst the tall people stay out and get jealous for they have to pay the exact amount of money for their ride, don’t miss it!
Driving is extra hard: Short Girl Problems
One of the major short girl problems is when you’re driving, the steering wheel is almost in your lap and it gets hard to sometimes twist it, especially if you have big thighs.
You’re not your age
Is it a blessing or a curse to look younger than your age? It’s a blessing if you’re tall and people tell you, you don’t look your age.point 263 |
But it’s one of the worst short girl problems, it’s actually annoying because everyone considers you a kid.point 102 | And sometimes, even at official work, it gets really hard for you to catch attention.point 173 | Waiting in line is another thing, not being stepped on by others is the major problem for short girls!point 257 | 1
If you’re a short girl and this made you smile, let us know! We will keep you all entertained by telling you, you’re not alone in your problems!