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17-Year-Old Schoolgirl Sent Home As Inappropriate Outfit Made Teacher Feel Weird

asasfff.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - 17-Year-Old Schoolgirl Sent Home As Inappropriate Outfit Made Teacher Feel Weird

A 17-year-old girl made the news recently and that’s when fury broke out in her household over her inappropriate outfit.


Young Karis Wilson explains how her male teacher sent her home under the most bizarre circumstances. And that included a note that claims he felt totally weird or out of place near her.

The shocking news didn’t go down too well with her loved ones, especially her dad. Certainly, he felt enraged with fury over the entire incident. And rightly so. Moreover, the fact that he recalled how her outfit reminded him of lingerie was something totally below the belt. And now, her story is going viral across the nation.


Here are the exclusive updates on the inappropriate outfit story that has so many people in absolute awe.

inappropriate outfit
Source; Yahoo News

The inappropriate outfit on everyone’s minds

Karis Wilson explains how her attire soon turned into the talk of the nation. And it’s all thanks to her inappropriate outfit that made her teacher feel weird. But there certainly seems to be some sort of discrepancy regarding her clothes in the first place.


While her female teacher found it totally out of place, others totally disagreed. Moreover, her own dad referred to it as very modest and her classmates backed her up in the same way.

Now the biggest question of them all arises. Was there really something wrong with the outfit or was it just a mere coincidence?

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Source: Facebook

Angry dad blasts school

For her dad, things went above and beyond just the outfit.point 183 | Moreover, he starts to bash the school because he felt the judgments were totally uncalled for.point 263 |


“Why would the school’s staff make such statements in the first place,” he questioned.point 91 | And then he asked whether or not this was the right way to deal with matters.point 153 | 1

Young Karis was a high school student who enjoyed her love for fashion. As you can probably imagine, she was in her teen years was looking great was the ultimate call of the day. And whether you like it or not, people usually judge you on your first appearance.


Now, it was time to take center stage over a matter that really made his daughter upset. When she arrived one day from school, he started worrying about the matter and what really went on.

Source: Yahoo News

And that’s when Karis revealed the note that spoke it all. Her teacher boldly exclaimed how she found her inappropriate outfit out of place. She even had the audacity to write that would rub male teachers the wrong way too.


The inappropriate outfit

Now, we’re pretty sure you’re wondering what the outfit really comprised of. Well, it was a very old-school type. Think along the lines of a knee-length skirt in black, complete with lace trimmings. In the same way, she paired the look with a white-toned turtle neck shirt. Yet, the female teacher called her out.

Source: Facebook

But why did the teacher choose to attack her, is a question on so many people’s minds.

Right after the incident went viral, the dad thought it was now time to take matters into the hands of higher authorities. Therefore, he called up the principal to complain. In the teacher’s defense, the principal argued how the teacher was probably not in her right frame of mind. He even justified her actions by mentioning how she was the old school type. Hence, clothes like these might not be appropriate in her viewpoint.

Source: Facebook

The dad tried his best to ignore the situation but clearly, he feels that his daughter didn’t deserve to go through any of this. And that’s because her clothes were anything but inappropriate.


What do you think? Don’t forget to leave your comments, we’d love to know what you think.

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