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Chicago Priests Arrested For Having Oral Sex In Car Near Miami Beach

priest caught sex.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Chicago Priests Arrested For Having Oral Sex In Car Near Miami Beach

Two Chicago priests are facing charges by the Police for performing indecency.


The gay couple was called out for publicly having oral sex in car. Above all, the shocking incident took place in broad light, near a Miami beach playground.

According to reports, both Diego Berrio and Edwin Cortex were charged on account of lewd behavior. Furthermore, there are claims that a bystander observed the rather bizarre incident. He called authorities, who took the matter into their hands. Meanwhile, reports explained how both priests were so engaged in their pleasurable acts. They had no clue when police officials arrived at the scene.


Here’s more on the strange incident that’s sending shockwaves around the globe.

sex in car
Source: Q’hubo

Priests allegedly caught performing indecency

It was all thanks to the efforts of one bystander that two priests were arrested. The so-called gay couple found nothing wrong with openly having sex in their car. And this was during the early hours of the day.


Reports explained how the couple was having oral sex in their parked car, situated on a road near a Miami beach playground.

The priests were identified as 39-year-old Diego Berrio and 30-year-old Edwin Cortez, who was charged on account of lascivious behavior.

sex in car
Source: Miami New Times

Priest exposes genitalia amid unzipped pants

But that wasn’t all. Cortez faced charges relating to indecent exposure. Meanwhile, authorities explained how his ‘unzipped pants’ showed off his genitalia.


A bystander of the unbelievingly shocking incident explained the entire ordeal to authorities. Moreover, he said he spotted the men engaging in oral sex while sitting inside their rented Volkswagon. The incident took place at around 3:20 pm. And that meant it was ‘very visible.’


There was a children’s playground as well as a park at the exact location too.

Source: Chicago Catholic

Sex in car incident was in ‘full view of the public’

Investigations into the matter explained how the shameful act was in ‘full view of the public. And that’s because the car did not have any tinted windows. Above all, the priests were having oral sex on one of the state’s busiest streets.


One Miami based police officer explained how the couple continued to engage in their deed, despite his presence. He explained how the priests didn’t even notice his arrival upon the scene.

Source: Swarajya

Furthermore, the officer described how Berrio was calling out all the actions while sitting in the passenger’s seat. He was the one performing oral sex upon his partner Cortez, who was on the driver’s seat.


Berrio and Cortez were having a very intimate sexual experience. And that meant they had no clue about any officials nearby.  The authorities explained:

‘We observed the two males performing the sex act. The officer had to tap on the window to get their attention.’

Source: Astam Policy

A priest or no priest, officials claim that a crime is a crime

Both Chicago priests come from the San Juan Mission. The couple later informed the authorities how they were priests. But the officials had this to say after the arrest:


Their profession is irrelevant.’

‘Our trouble with this is that this is broad daylight, for anyone to see including children.’

‘There’s a time and a place for everything and this certainly was not the time and place.’

Currently, both the priests are in jail for their indecent crimes. Berrio is on a $250 bond. However, his counter partner, Cortez, is on at a whopping $1500 bond.

Source: infobae

Further reports claimed how The Archdiocese of Chicago is refusing to comment on the incident. Their reps said that the matter was under great investigation.


Whatever the case may be, it’s a humiliating act for men of such a pious profession.


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