We all live in a pretty weird world.
And it’s safe to say that there seems to be no end to the heartless and ruthless behavior of cops each day. Meanwhile, another day signifies another brutal incident. And this next case is the ultimate example of what we’re talking about. One police official violently grabbed an elderly woman’s phone away from her.
And thanks to one bystander in the vicinity, the video is going viral around the globe. The rather harrowing Melbourne incident has many people at a standstill. And it’s safe to say, this one takes the cake in terms of inhumane attitudes.
Police official violently takes away the elderly’s rights
According to media reports, a total of 5 different police officers worked hard to surround two elderly women.point 266 |
These older citizens were sitting quietly, minding their own business, at a park.point 69 | However, the police questioned them about their identity.point 119 | And soon, one small brawl led to another.point 153 | 1
Meanwhile, reports also pointed out how the women were offended when the officers surrounded them. They indeed felt targeted and rightly so. Upon refusing to show their identity cards, the police threatened them too. And that’s when things sparked into a whole new direction.
Bystander films harrowing ordeal
One bystander filmed the entire brawl between the old citizens and the police officers.point 228 |
Here, the fairly heavy-headed convo reached new heights of confrontation.point 64 | But what really got many people’s attention is how one Australian police official violently snatched away a lady’s phone.point 179 | But why did he do that in the first place? Well, in case you’re wondering, the answer is simple.point 265 | 1
After feeling like she was cornered in a direction, one of the women took out their cellphones to film the whole ordeal. But the incident at the Victorian capital took a turn when the officer behaved violently.
‘No I refuse to stand up’, the woman exclaimed in the loud footage from the park. ‘On what sort of grounds are you arresting me,’ she further explained. ‘This is totally against the law.’
Once again, you can clearly hear the woman raising her voice. Moreover, she’s very concerned as to why authorities are behaving like this. But that’s when one of the officer’s hints at their wrongdoing.
Policemen corner elderly women for refusing to cooperate
As days go by, Australian laws keep getting stricter by the minute.point 416 |
And this has to do with the recent uprising of the Pandemic around the world.point 63 | COVID-19 is hitting countries with second wave spells and to help counteract the spread, officials are doing whatever they can to curb it.point 179 | 1
In this case, the police simply ask women to prove their identity. And on that occasion, they blatantly refused and decided not to cooperate. But after the police official violently snatched her phone, she screamed again. ‘You simply have no right to seize my property.’
It was truly shocking to see the rather aggressive stance put forward by the police. Many viewers who witnessed the video commented on how things could be handled differently.
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The police chief releases a statement regarding the incident
Many citizens demanded the police to give an accurate representation of what really went on that day.point 154 | And for that reason, the district’s police head called up a pressed conference.point 227 |
Most importantly, he revealed how it is an offense for anyone to fail to cooperate with law officials.point 85 | When and if they need personal details, citizens need to provide them.point 144 | 1
Meanwhile, he also justified how it’s normal for officers to simply snatch away people’s possessions if needed. And the aim here is to make an arrest effective.
Today, residents from Melbourne are allowed to step out of their homes between 5 am to 9 pm for certain reasons only. And these include exercise, work, caregiving, and essential shopping too.
For more trending news articles from around the globe, don’t forget to take a look at our article Elderly Missing Couple From California Found Dead At Bottom Of Mexican Well.