Categories: FamilyLife

‘I Am SUING My Parents After They Disowned Me Because I Divorced My Abusive Husband’

A woman with “ultra-religious” parents has decided to sue her mother and father after they disowned her for breaking up with her husband.


The anonymous woman in question spoke to DailyMail columnist Jane Green and explained that she was raised in a strict Catholic household and that religion has always played a major role in her life.


While she remained close to her parents throughout the years, everything changed six months ago when she decided to divorce her “abusive” husband.


“My mom and dad were so furious with me for breaking my vows that they have completely disowned me,” she wrote.

“Divorce was not a decision that I took lightly; I understand what marriage means and that it is a life-long commitment in the eyes of God and the church. However, my husband was incredibly abusive to me throughout our marriage, both verbally and physically, and it reached the stage where no amount of therapy, discussions with our priest, or prayer (my parents’ answer to our problems) was going to change that.”


The woman went on to say that the divorce left her shattered and that she got the “cold shoulder” from her parents when she needed their help and support the most.


“They told me that they were ashamed of me, that I was an embarrassment to my family, and that they could never look at me in the same way again because I had turned my back on my vows,” she added.


“I tried reasoning with them, tried to explain everything that had gone on, but they wouldn’t be swayed. Ultimately, they told me that they no longer consider me a member of the family – and then disowned me and removed me from their wills.”


Feeling “hurt” and “betrayed” by her parents’ actions, the woman also admitted she is considering suing her mom and dad to be included in the inheritance again.


She also said she was “furious” over their lack of support even though she believes that anything she does will only make matters worse.


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