A young woman who drastically changed her appearance has spoken out about her new look and the reasons behind her transformation.
Chiara Dell’Abate from Rome, Italy, is an aspiring makeup artist in her 20s who began altering her looks when she was just twelve years old.
According to the young lady, she’s gotten over thirty piercings, tattoos, and implants in the last few years. She also revealed she got a series of lip fillers by injecting her own lips.
“My first piercing at 12 started my journey that has transformed my life forever,” Chiara says.
“It opened my mind. I learnt how to respect everyone’s choices. I learnt how to be more kind. Body modification has given me so much confidence.”
She further explained that she was a very introverted child who became a target for bullies at school at an early age.
While growing up without a father, Chiara resorted to body transformations – first minor ones – to build her confidence and gain control of her life.
As she claims, the more her appearance changed over the years the more people began accepting her despite her critics still calling her names such as ‘monster.’
Starting off with a piercing at the age of 12, Chiara’s transformation had soon gotten more extreme as the girl decided to have her ear lobes stretched and her nose and lips pierced.
Eventually, she began injecting her own lips with fillers and got implants in her forehead, left hand, and outer labia. She also covered her face and the rest of her body in tattoos.
“I have been on TV shows and even got a part in a movie that is yet to be released. I was also a body art performer for a fetish club and I am often interviewed by anthropology students at the university,” the young woman added.
“I have experienced so much at such a young age.”
She continued: “I don’t judge people who have surgeries done. As long as you respect the limits of your body health, you can get as many as you like.
“People who want to do body modification should be true to themselves and just enjoy their journey.”
Saying she has no regrets at all, Chiara vowed to continue her transformation journey in the years to come.
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