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‘Am I In The Wrong For Getting REVENGE On A 4-Year-Old Girl Because She Was Being Mean To My Own Son?’

A mother has been left wondering if she was the one in the wrong after she got revenge on a four-year-old girl who was mean to her son.


Taking to Reddit, the woman explained that she purposely caused the young girl to get caught out after what she did to her son.

“I have a one-year-old son, and we decided to go to the playground one day,” she wrote.


“On this day, a bunch of kids were there, among whom was a bratty girl who had a mean streak to her,” the mother continued.


She said that when her son approached the girl, she told him ‘What are you doing here? You’re not invited here!’

The mom said she did not like her son being bullied and because he still does not understand what was happening, she simply scooped him up and played somewhere else.


A few moments later, the mom saw the girl’s grandmother and plotted a petty revenge.


“It seemed like she’s not one of those loosey-goosey grandmas, so while the girl was close to her grandma, it dawned on me I could bait her to be mean to my kid in front of granny. So I placed my son close to her since I figured out he wouldn’t understand anyway. And it worked,” she went on.


The mother revealed that the girl told her son again, ‘You’re not welcome here! Go away!’ However, the grandmother heard it and she got in trouble.

“The grandma said they now will go home since she can’t be nice. She fought it, but couldn’t do anything – part of it I think granny just wanted to go home,” she added.


Fellow parents were quick to share their thoughts, with one person commenting: “You did her a semi-favor. You gave her the opportunity to display some behavior that an adult in her life should be correcting, and fortunately, grandma was up to the task.”


Another said: “Guaranteed someone did that to her and she was spreading the joy to someone she thought was safe to say to. Children will imitate, they’re very immature. I’m not saying your response was wrong, at least she knows now that it wasn’t nice when it was done to her either.”


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