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Man Who Spent $36,000 On Tattoos Shares Photos Of Himself BEFORE His Dramatic Transformation

A man who spent more than $36,000 on tattoos has shared photos of what he looked like before his transformation.


After spending 300 hours under the needle, Ian Griggs’s whole body is now covered in ink.

Thanks to his appearance, he has landed a job as an actor, appearing in films including Bonded by Blood and Legacy.


He also treated himself to more tattoos after coming out of prison.


During his stay behind bars, he missed his teenage years and most of his 20s, including the birth of his son who is now 17.

Ian said that the lowest point in his life was in 2008 when his first love, Leanne, tragically died in a car crash and he was in prison.


His way of turning a new page was by getting tattoos, spending two hours every week to get his skin inked.


“I had a very hard life growing up, and was in and out of jail in my teens and 20s,” Ian shared.


“My son was born when I was in jail, and he visited me there for many more years, which was no way for him to grow up when he needed me the most.

“I had been with Leanne for three years when she died in a car crash in 2008. I was in jail at that time, and it was the worst day for me, but I decided to use the pain to turn my life around.”


Ian now has a 3-year-old daughter and said that he has learned from his mistakes in the past.


“I am definitely not going back to that life again,” he added.

The father-of-two also said that he finds tattoos very addictive.


“Once I got one tattoo, I wanted more and have never since looked back. I feel so good with tattoos. People look at me and I love it,” he added.


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