A man who was shamed by his family for proposing to his girlfriend at his uncle’s funeral has broken his silence.
The young man in question revealed how his uncle was always his best friend and “like a father” who would go with him to parties and on trips to other countries.
The man also claimed that his uncle’s final wish was for his loved ones to “have a party” when his time came instead of being sad at his funeral.

Unfortunately, the uncle passed away recently, prompting his nephew to try and “lighten the mood” at his funeral by proposing to his girlfriend.
“He believed funerals shouldn’t be so sad and gloomy. Celebrate the life the dead lived not to grieve over them being gone, and be glad they existed. He even jokingly said that if he were to die soon, obviously he was hoping to live longer than this, he said he’d want me to propose to my girlfriend during his funeral,” the man claimed in his viral Reddit post.
“I started dating her because of him and I should take it to the next step in honor of him. I honestly thought this was a hilarious idea but also a way of commemorating him so I told him I’d do it if he were to die before we were married.”
And when the day of the funeral arrived, the man decided to go through with his plan – but the idea wasn’t received well by any attendees.
“So the day of the funeral comes and we all speak kind words about him. They saved me to make the last speech and I go on for probably 20 minutes about how much he meant to me. At the end, I said, ‘In honor of my uncle, I’m proposing to my girlfriend, I had the courage to ask her out because of him and now I’m proposing to her in his honor as he requested,’” the man wrote.
“My girlfriend accepted my proposal and I gave her the ring my uncle gave to my aunt, who had died previously.”
And while the girlfriend gladly accepted the proposal, the man’s relatives ended up “screaming” at him before disowning him completely.
After asking the internet for advice, the man was slammed by readers who were forced to agree with the family in saying he was “inappropriate” to interrupt the mourning with his proposal.
“Wildly inappropriate. Although probably worth making sure your family all knows the backstory, which does soften it a little,” someone said.
“I get why it felt like you had your uncle’s approval, but funerals are for the loved ones as well and it just seems in poor taste to make that event about you. I have to side with the family on this one,” another agreed.
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