Categories: Life

‘I Refuse To Sleep Next To My Wife Because She Doesn’t Shower Before Bedtime – She Thinks I’m Overreacting’

A man who refuses to sleep next to his wife has spoken out and shared his concerns as he asked the internet for advice.


The young husband in question revealed that his wife, 32, works as a gynecologist who works at the hospital all day. He added that she refuses to take a quick shower after coming home from work tired in the evening even though he told her he was scared for his health and afraid of getting “contaminated.”


“My wife is a gynecologist and works at a hospital. She recently mentioned that she is exposed to a lot of bodily fluids during her workday. While I’m proud of her for doing such an important job, I’m uncomfortable with the idea of sleeping in the same bed as her without her showering first,” the man admitted in his viral Reddit post.


“I’ve asked her to take a shower before coming to bed, but she thinks it’s unnecessary and feels like I’m being unreasonable. However, I still feel uneasy about the potential exposure to bodily fluids, and I don’t think it’s an unreasonable request for her to take a quick shower before bed.”


The disgruntled husband went on to say that he started sleeping on the sofa in the living room after his wife turned down his request, prompting the woman to get angry at him and accuse him of overreacting.


“I don’t want to compromise my comfort and health. Am I the a****** for choosing to sleep on the couch when my wife comes home from work without showering?” he concluded.


After the man asked for advice, the readers were left divided, whereas some suggested he was right for asking his wife to take a quick shower after work while others insisted she should be left alone because she was probably just too tired.


“It’s not unreasonable to want someone who has been in a hospital all day to take a shower,” someone wrote.

“I am trying to understand how she can jump into her bed without bathing. It’s just basic hygiene to me,” another agreed.


A third argued: “My guy, do you know the precautions they take? She’s not getting fluid on herself and just leaving it there, you are basically calling her unsanitary when she’s probably cleaner than you are.”


Another added: “Of course she gloves up and wears whatever gear is necessary to not bring ‘fluids’ home.”

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