Categories: Life

‘Reckless’ Father Spotted Towing A Stroller While Riding E-Scooter On A Busy Road

A father has been branded as reckless and clueless after he was spotted towing a stroller while riding an e-scooter down a busy road.


The presumed father-in-question was caught on camera in Newham, east London, where he appeared to be dragging a stroller down the bus lane of a busy main road.

While casually towing the pram along the A117, the young man was recorded by 19-year-old Phyllis Smith who was returning home from work when she witnessed the shocking scene.

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In the teen’s video, which has since gone viral, the man can be seen controlling the e-scooter with one hand while holding the stroller with the other as cars are passing close by.


“For some weird reason, he was on the road. I don’t know why. I was walking home from work and there was literally a guy on a scooter using his one hand to push the pram. He was just scootering across,” Phyllis said.

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“Anyone in the area would know that road leads to the A13 so it actually leads to a motorway or if you carry on straight, you’re in a bus lane.”


As of this writing, it remains unclear if there was a baby inside the stroller at the time of the incident. It is also unclear if the man is actually a father.

“In those circumstances, I was so confused as to why he did that. He just carried on down the road,” the 19-year-old added.

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“He was just going straight ahead. He was in the bus lane the whole time. The whole thing is just not safe. It was an interesting sight to say the least.


“When I showed my parents, they were shocked too. It’s not something you see on a regular basis. It made me feel concerned.”

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After her video went viral on TikTok, Phyllis acknowledged the possibility that there was no baby in the stroller. However, she insisted that dragging the pram while driving an e-scooter on a busy road was dangerous enough on its own.


“He’s not even holding the handle of the pram – he’s holding the hood area. I’m going to assume from what the comments are suggesting that he might have bought it online for collection,” the young lady added.

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“On TikTok, some people were saying maybe there wasn’t a baby in the pram, but the point isn’t the baby, the point is why is he using a pram while riding an electric scooter on a main road?


“Sadly I was unable to make out whether it was bag or a blanket [in the stroller], but from my memory it looked a blanket of some sort.”

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