Categories: AnimalsLife

JUST IN: Woman Is MAULED By Her Own Dogs In Front Of Shocked Neighbors

breaking 2023 09 18t114715 322.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - JUST IN: Woman Is MAULED By Her Own Dogs In Front Of Shocked Neighbors

A woman was left fighting for her life after getting mauled by her two dogs in a vicious attack.


31-year-old Nikita Piil from Success, Perth, is an Aussie dog lover who was set upon by her two large pets – Rottweilers Harlem and Bronx.

According to the reports, the two dogs viciously attacked the young woman on Saturday afternoon, prompting concerned neighbors to call the police after they heard the dog owner’s screams.

©Nikita Piil

“I was hearing ‘help, help, please help!’” one neighbor, Bryn Spencer, said in an interview with Nine.


“I was contemplating jumping the fence and getting in there to try to rescue her but obviously there were two rottweilers in there.”

Spencer added: “I didn’t have a knife, I didn’t have anything really good to take this dog out. I only had a bat. All I could really do was watch this girl get mauled apart while I am smacking the fence.”

©Nikita Piil

As the neighbors flocked to Nikita’s house, another local turned on the garden hose and started splashing water on the enraged dogs.


“The dog stopped for a bit and it was looking at me deciding what to do next,” Spencer continued.

“I kept screaming at it and smacking the fence and then it decided ‘stuff you’ and it got the girl and dragged her behind the back corner and that’s when I was like ‘oh no.’”

©Nikita Piil

After the police arrived at the scene, they were not immediately able to subdue the dogs with Spencer begging them to shoot the animals before it was too late.


According to the reports, the officers finally resorted to the use of firearms after even tasers failed to stop the beasts. One of the dogs was critically injured and later euthanized. The other has been apprehended and locked up pending investigation.

©Nikita Piil

Following the brutal attack, Piil was rushed to the hospital where she underwent emergency surgery. Her current condition remains unclear.


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