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BREAKING: Dozens Feared DEAD As Massive Ship SINKS After Breaking In Two

Terrifying reports are coming in from the South China Sea this morning about a massive ship sinking after breaking into two.


According to sources from local media outlets, at least three people have been rescued as search teams are scavenging the waters and scrambling to try and find survivors in Hong Kong.

Source: EPA

But more than two dozen crew members have gone missing and are unaccounted for currently after the ship reportedly broke into two halves when a typhoon struck the South China Sea during the hours of Saturday.


Authorities blame the horrific weather conditions during this time of year and the fact that the ship had to face a typhoon spelled disaster for the crew and captain on board.

Sources have also revealed how the authorities have dispatched planes and some helicopters to assist with the rescue mission. And while 3 out of the 30 members were returned safely to land, more are being feared dead as the weather continues to wreak havoc.

Source: AP

Recent images released by Hong Kong officials have gone as far as showing the Government Flying Service showcasing one of the members of the crew winched up near a rescue helicopter. And that was with huge waves crashing intensely in the background against the sinking ship.


The magnitude of the weather disaster was so severe that it cracked the ship into two, forcing it to sink into deep waters with no time to react to the disaster.

Source: AP

The vessel was described as being one belonging to the engineering industry and was 160 nautical miles south of Hong Kong.


A recent press conference was held by respective authorities to give more details about the sinking ship as loved ones await news anxiously while keeping the entire crew in their parents.

Source: South China Morning Sea

The Flying Service is yet to provide the exact name and the origin of the vessel as investigations and rescue efforts continue.


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