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Nurse Who Developed ‘Leopard Print Skin’ After Her Sore Throat Is Embracing Her ‘New Look’

One woman is proving to the world that beauty can come from within and that’s why she’s embracing her new look, thanks to her medical condition.


22-year-old nurse Ashling Armstrong who hails from Belfast says she was recently given the shock of her life after her sore throat condition left her with leopard print skin.

Source: Kennedy News

Armstrong was reportedly diagnosed with a condition that gives the skin spots that resemble a leopard’s print, and that includes her face too. But if you think a woman was going to let her appearance and the world’s reaction to it shatter it completely, well, you’re clearly mistaken.


Medical experts called the condition Guttate Psoriasis which the nurse was diagnosed with in January. And at first, she felt horrible thinking about people’s reactions and whether or not the world would accept her for the skin that she was living in. But in the end, a point in time came when she stopped caring.

Source: Kennedy News

“I knew people would be judging me anyway so why not make it worth their while”- she continued. “I went to the doctor and they diagnosed me with this rare form of psoriasis and there was nothing I could do with it. I had red-colored tear-shaped spots covering my entire body and I had to deal with it”- she added.

Source: Kennedy News

Despite doing plenty of research of her own online and consulting more skincare experts, there could be no more hiding and denial of the problem. And the only way to move on was to accept it and embrace it as something that made her special. Hence, she first began to share her condition online so more and more people got aware.

Source: Kennedy News

Today, she’s as confident as ever in her skin and says she wouldn’t change things for the world. “I love who I am and my spots make me unique. This is me and I am in love with myself”- she continued.


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