Categories: Life

Man ‘Pushes Pregnant Girlfriend Down The Stairs’ After She Told Him She Wanted To Keep Their Baby

A man appeared in court after allegedly pushing his pregnant girlfriend down the stairs because he didn’t want her to keep their baby.


31-year-old Thomas Gair is a disgraced cop who stands accused of subjecting his girlfriend, Chloe Bradley, to physical assaults, humiliation, and mockery during the period of their three-year relationship from 2019 to 2022.

As Durham Crown Court heard, the man would force his girlfriend to overeat until she was sick after isolating her from her friends and family. He allegedly also called her a “f***ing whale” and mocked her weight.

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In one instance, Gair, who joined the Cleveland police back in 2021, is said to have run over his police officer partner with his car.


In a tearful video submitted to the court, Bradley was seen breaking into tears while speaking to an interviewing detective.

“When I fell pregnant he told me to have an abortion or he was going to leave me. He said we couldn’t afford it and it would ruin our lives,” she claimed.


“He told me I would be a crap mother and I was probably going to lose the baby. I was really ill when I was pregnant, I was backwards and forwards to the hospital, but he offered me no help or support, he wanted me to have a miscarriage.

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“He would poke and jab me in the stomach and he would threaten ‘I will put you down the stairs.’”


In 2020, Gair allegedly delivered on his threats by pushing his partner down the stairs.

“I was going upstairs to the top floor of our house and he was coming down. He began shouting and screaming in my face and he pushed me back and I fell right down the stairs backwards and hit my head twice,” the victim added.


“I was knocked out and he was panicking when I came round. I was taken to hospital by ambulance and needed a CT scan.”

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While the baby survived the fall and was eventually delivered safely, the domestic violence continued until the pair’s breakup in 2022 when Chloe’s colleagues “began to try to press her to report what was happening to the police.”


“One friend then took matters out of her hands and reported him to a confidential police hotline and from there the balloon went up,” Prosecutor Ian West said as Chloe revealed she didn’t want to report her boyfriend because she was afraid it would “split” her family.


Gair has since appeared in court and denied all charges including five counts of assault and controlling and coercive behavior. The trial continues.


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