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BREAKING: Terrifying Football Injury Leaves Woman Looking Like A ‘Human Statue’

A woman who appeared fit and healthy at first has now turned into a human statue after suffering from an undiagnosed disorder due to a football injury.


The victim was identified as an artist named Megan King who has reportedly undergone 37 different operations since she jumped to catch a ball and landed so badly on her face.

Source: The Mirror

Megan King was reportedly pictured recently after one of her many surgeries. She is believed to not be able to twist or bend her spine in any direction and the same goes for her head. So as you can imagine, life is pretty tough for her.



Source: The Mirror

Growing up, she was a very healthy and normal teenager. But that’s when she hurt herself while doing what she loved to do best, taking part in athletics.


She did fall quite badly when making an attempt for a catch. But her diagnosis of a serious condition was missed out by medical experts.

Source: The Mirror

The injury may have taken place in the year 2005 but today, the 33-year-old can’t move, twist, or bend in any direction.


From the day the tragedy unfolded, it took doctors a decade of severe pain and intense agony for her to be diagnosed with a serious condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. It’s another name given to a serious connective tissue disorder.


It impacts the way the body’s collagen is produced and is usually affected by genetics.

Source: The Mirror

With faulty collagen being produced, a person gets subjected to muscle tears, joint dislocation, heart matters, and a lot of blood pooling as well.


And the worst part is, at the moment, there is no cure for this illness.

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