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BREAKING: US Jury Finds Ghislaine Maxwell GUILTY

The jury in the Ghislaine Maxwell case has finally reached its verdict after entering its sixth day of deliberations.


According to local media reports, a jury comprising of six men and women in the Ghislaine Maxwell trial sat over the entire Christmas holidays so they could reach a conclusion for the high-profile case.

After returning to the courthouse on Wednesday, after nearly six whole days of discussion, the end of a long wait had arrived after Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty of trafficking underage girls so they could be abused by Jeffrey Epstein.

Source: Al Jazeera

James Hill who is a senior producer of the ABC News network was quick to reveal how he had been invited by one of Maxwell’s own lawyers to sit at the front bench and speak to her on Wednesday.


Reports claim that the extremely bizarre interaction has led to the possible lineup of interviews by Maxwell as the jury remained to be in a deadlock position.

Source: Reuters

The trial’s decision was previously stated to be possibly impacted by the sudden surge in cases of the Omicron variant that could have risked the trial from reaching an end.


But a recent note was revealed to the Press which claimed that the jury is continuing to make their deliberations with good progress.

Source: ABC News

Maxwell’s lawyers had previously stated that their client was innocent and she was only being thrown into the frenzy for money but the verdict has finally been revealed and Maxwell could possibly die in jail as she could face up to nearly 60 years in prison, as revealed by local media outlets.

Source: PBS

Maxwell was found guilty on five of her six counts, which excluded the enticing of an individual under the age of 17 for traveling with the intent to engage in an unlawful s*xual act.



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