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“My Landlord Charged Me An Additional $200 Fee For Owning GOLDFISH! Does That Even Make Any Sense?”

They say having a great landlord is a blessing and in case you fail to agree, this next story is a constant reminder of how you need to be grateful for all of your endeavors.


One woman is going viral online after claiming her landlord charges an added $200 fee for owning goldfish. And if that was not shocking enough, she is making her pay $15 extra for the pet fee.

Source: TikTok

The woman and so many others were baffled at what was going on. Owning a pet that was a cat, dog, bird, and more just might be a little justifiable but having goldfish has left this woman in a state of absolute shock and disbelief.


“How does my fish affect her? This is ridiculous!”- she added and many netizens couldn’t help but agree with what she had to say. They were equally appalled at the behavior.

Source: TikTok

The woman who goes by the name Nic on TikTok recorded the content online and asked netizens what they felt and if she was in the wrong to think her landlord was not being fair.


Sharking a screenshot of the statement, Monthly Pet Rent $15 and One Time Fee $200, social media was abuzz and people were losing their cool just looking and thinking about this.

Source: Encyclopedia Britannica

The post has been viewed more than 60,000 times and comes with the caption, “They’re now charging pet rent for fish! How is that even possible?”- she went on to mention.


And then another commented on how the greed of people was astonishing and this happened to be one of those cases.

Source: TikTok

But the comments that started to come in were beyond hilarious. While some bashed the landlord, others added a comical touch to the entire endeavor, stating how the fish had the capability to rip apart the furniture and carpet so to be on the safe side, she was being charged.


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