Categories: Daily Top 10Health

BREAKING: Man With World’s ‘First Ever Double Arm Transplant’ Says He’s Grateful He Can ‘Hug His Grandkids’

A man dubbed as being the first to undergo surgery for a double arm transplant says he’s ecstatic to finally be able to hug his grandchildren.


The news is a historic moment in the world of science and medicine one that this man says he’s forever grateful for.

It all began as a mega-family tragedy where a man named Felix was electrocuted to a point that he sustained critical injuries that put his life in danger.


This was a time that was supposed to be of great happiness as that was the period his daughter was born. Little did anyone know that he would be unable to lead a normalcy after that.

Source: New York Post

The incident happened while he was on the job in Iceland. And the devastating effects were so many that doctors had to go about and amputate his arms.


This led him to a standstill, and emotional breakdowns were common. He never knew that life would take such a horrible turn but it did and he was at a loss for words.

Source: New York Post

But thanks to the world of science and technology and the great advancements being made, he is able to not only hug his daughter, who is all grown up but also his grandchildren.


For him, it’s nothing less than a surreal fantasy. He never imagined life in this manner

Source: New York Post

He is now able to do things that normal humans take for granted. From holding things to feeling them and more, he couldn’t be more grateful to his doctors and entire medical team for believing in him and being patient throughout his journey.


“The reward for my patience is unbelievable and I am so glad to be able to hug my grandchildren now”- he concluded.

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