More than two hundred cars and other vehicles were involved in one of the world’s biggest crashes ever.
Heavy fog and poor visibility led to a major crash and pile-up of vehicles on a highway in China on Wednesday.

According to the reports, at least 200 vehicles, and potentially as many as 400, were left damaged or trapped on the Zhengxin Huanghe bridge in Zhengzhou as more and more vehicles piled up due to thick fog after the initial collision.
In photos and footage from the scene, vehicles of all kinds could be seen crumpled and facing different directions.
In one video, cars could be seen on top of one another while in another vehicles were seen jack-knifed across the highway.

At least one person was killed in the mass collision.
“This is too scary. Full of people here, I don’t think we can get off the bridge,” one person said as tons of people were left stranded on the bridge after the crash.
As the state media also reported, dozens of rescuers were sent to the scene along with eleven fire trucks to aid people who were left trapped in their vehicles.
While official accounts say at least two hundred vehicles were involved in the collision, some witnesses claimed as many as 400 cars crashed on the bridge.
“There was a huge pileup involving 400+ vehicles on Zhengxin Huanghe Bridge — which connects Henan’s Zhengzhou and Xinxiang across the Yellow River — due to dense fog and icy road surface at around 10 am Dec 28 morning,” one person shared on Twitter.
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