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“I Was Blasted For Being A Bad Mom Because I Put My Kids Inside A Box For Some ‘Alone’ Time! Am I In The Wrong?”

t7 4 1.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - "I Was Blasted For Being A Bad Mom Because I Put My Kids Inside A Box For Some 'Alone' Time! Am I In The Wrong?"

A mother is feeling the heat from plenty of netizens after she revealed how she likes to spend her alone time, far away from her children.


Parenthood is a never-ending affair and you’re always caught up with 101 tasks linked to your job of looking after your kids. Therefore, having some alone time is always recommended to ease your mind and body from the tiring daily struggles of your routine.

Source: Daily Mail

But the mom may have gone a tad bit too far. And by that, we mean to say she may have opted to take her creativity to another level of madness. Think along the lines of placing her kids inside a box to play with as she enjoys some downtime for herself.


It’s beyond bizarre and striking for obvious reasons but this mom claims it’s normal for her.

Source: Daily Mail

All sorts of comments began to come in such as how she is such a lazy parent and does not know how to raise kids.


Others bashed her intensely and spoke about how she was ridiculously selfish for wanting to behave like this. “There are other ways to unwind by keeping your kids engaged in healthy activities”- bashed one mom. And just like that, the comments kept on coming in.

Source: Daily Mail

The box can be seen as made from cardboard and it’s definitely strange to look at first. You’ll find a pack of crayons and some coloring pages, the mom explained. And that is what keeps her two little girls busy, she adds.


But it was not all negative reviews. A lot of people felt that there was no reason to be so insensitive. They felt that it was time for the mother to do what she thought was best for her kids and stop hearing the world out. Do you agree?

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