A baby boy tragically died after he was snatched from his parents by a monkey and dropped from a rooftop.
The heartbreaking incident takes place in the village of Dunka in Uttar Pradesh, northern India, where Nirdesh Upadhyay and his wife were enjoying the view from the terrace of their home together with their 4-month-old son.
According to the local media, a troop of wild monkeys suddenly surrounded the family. As the frantic parents attempted to run off the terrace, the mother stumbled and fell while carrying her baby.
That’s when, in an instant, one of the primates picked up the child and carried him towards the edge of the rooftop.
Before Nirdesh and his wife could react, the monkey allegedly threw the four-month-old off the rooftop of the parents’ 3-story home.
After the distraught parents rushed to their son’s aid, they found the boy lying dead on the ground outside their home.
The case currently remains under investigation and the authorities are looking into the role the local rhesus monkey population played in the baby’s death.
While rare, cases involving primates snatching babies from the arms of their parents remain a terrifying truth for far too many parents.
We previously reported on a gang of monkeys breaking into a family home in Mwamgongo, Tanzania, and snatching a 1-month-old baby while he was getting breastfed by his mother.
Terrified by what had happened, the mother began screaming for help. After villagers arrived at the home and attempted to retrieve the baby, the monkeys fought back and fatally injured the newborn in the process.
“She screamed for help and villagers rushed to her house to assist her in getting her child – identified as Luhaiba Said – back from the troop of monkeys,” Regional Commander James Manyama explained.
“When they tried to take him back by force he got injured on the head and the neck.”
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