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“Can You Help Us, We Have A Baby”- Tragic Final Text By Couple Who DIED On California Hiking Trail Revealed

The final text message sent out by a family who died while hiking in California has now been revealed.


Jonathan Gerrish and his 31-year-old wife Ellen Chung were out on a hiking trail with their baby and dog Oski. But little did the couple know that they would soon be dead while out on their journey.

Source: Rosanna Heaslett

The loving family was found near the Merced River but they managed to make one final text before leaving.


This particular text message just couldn’t be sent out at the right time because there were poor signals in the area where the message was sent out.

Source: Instagram

The name of the person to whom the text message was sent is still not revealed by authorities but the content mentioned inside was recently made public.


“Can you please help us? No water or overheating with baby”- it went on to mention.

Just last fall, authorities and investigators made the decision that the family had passed away due to tragic circumstances relating to an extreme heat stroke.

Source: Facebook

The temperatures in California on that particular afternoon were described as scorching and had gone up to 109 degrees Fahrenheit as it was the steep mountain terrain and that particular family had also run out of water.


The message was pulled out from Jonathan Gerrish’s cellphone, months after the tragedy had taken place, as investigators worked side by side with the FBI forensics team to help solve the puzzling mystery.

Source: Instagram

Investigators also spoke about how the couple tried to make at least five calls from their cellphones to five different people but none of them managed to go through due to poor signals.


The family is also believed to have run out of water and a nearby wildfire had also burned any available shade canopy too.


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