Categories: Animal/PetsDaily Top 10Life

“They Have NO Answers For Us”- Couple Gears Up To SUE Hawaiian Airlines After ‘Loving’ Dog Dies On Flight

One couple is going forward with their decision to sue Hawaiian Airlines after their pet dog passed away on one of their flights.


According to local media reports, the couple from Hawaii claims that their one-year-old pit dull died while it was traveling on a flight back home from Las Vegas to Honolulu recently.

The news sent shockwaves to the entire family as this was certainly not something that they were expecting to take place, all of a sudden.

Source: New York Post

Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the Airlines reportedly provided a statement to Fox News recently where they mentioned how the airline puts forward great care whenever they are transporting animals on their flights while expressing great sadness on the news about how this tragic incident unfolded.


As the airlines await the necropsy results for the dog, the family has another side of the story on the matter they claim to be beyond bizarre for obvious reasons.

Source: New York Post

“We were beyond saddened to learn about what had happened. The very first phone call that we received was that Tofu died, that’s it”- explained the angry pet owner named Kupahu.


“They told us that one of their company’s representatives would be in touch with us but that never happened. We waited and waited and there was absolutely nothing. We didn’t even receive an email or anything,” he explained further.


The couple says that the airlines simply have no answers for them other than the fact that the dog died and that they are waiting for the results regarding his death, which will take up to two weeks.

Source: Unsplash

Meanwhile, other reports have spoken about how the loving pet was just like a family member for the couple and he was estimated to be worth $10,000.

Source: Victoria News

Other reports revealed how this is not the first incident involving the sudden death of a pet aboard Hawaiian Airlines where another young pit bull passed away last year in July while traveling from Hawaii to Seattle.


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