Some photos showing Amber Heard’s alleged bruising have been edited several times, a digital forensic expert confirmed.
Called to the stand by Johnny Depp’s team, Bryan Neumeister, a forensic photo expert, cast fresh doubts on the authenticity of Heard’s photos showing her bruised arm and face.
As the witness testified, there were numerous editions of the same photos showing a large, dark bruise on Amber Heard’s arm.
Three versions of the photo were shown in court, with Neumeister explaining that metadata stored in the photos proves that they were edited in Apple’s photo-editing software known as Photos 1.5 and, later on, Photos 3.0.
While the digital forensic expert testified the photos have been “modified,” it remains unclear in what manner the pictures were edited and what evidence – if any – was altered.
“This could not come out of an iPhone, it would go into a computer and be edited. In a photo editing app you can do a lot of things,” Neumeister said after he was shown a photo of Heard’s bruised arm and another of her bruised face.
The forensic expert further testified that the photos he reviewed aren’t “anywhere near an original.”
Speaking of the three similar photos showing Heard’s bruised arm that were presented in court, Neumeister said that “forensically they don’t match” and that they can’t be authenticated.
“[The photos] had to go through some type of transformation to change sizes,” he added.
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