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Newborn Dies In Parents’ Arms After ‘Disinterested’ NHS Staff Turned Away Pregnant Mother 3 Times

e18486e185aee1848ce185a6 78.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Newborn Dies In Parents’ Arms After ‘Disinterested’ NHS Staff Turned Away Pregnant Mother 3 Times

Just when you thought cruelty ceases to exist in today’s modern world comes a rather heartbreaking affair.


A pregnant mother received the shock of her life recently. And that’s because of the rude and inhumane behavior of NHS staff. Reports confirmed how a newborn dies in their parents’ arms.

But this isn’t any ordinary case of bad luck. It’s pure human negligence and now the story is going viral by the second.


25-year old, Adele Thomas, explains her tragic story, breaking down in between the entire episode. Moreover, she claims that the Caerphilly birth center refused her entry three times in 2018. And for that reason, she simply had no choice but to watch her baby die in front of her.

point 0 | newborn dies

Reports confirmed the vile nature of NHS staff who refused to cooperate during such a sensitive matter.point 204 |


Here, two midwives kept on arguing, wasting precious seconds.point 53 | During the whole episode, you could clearly see grave moments unfold.point 112 | The baby’s oxygen levels dropped to a bare minimum and it required immediate emergency assistance.point 198 | 1

Here are the latest details surrounding the unfortunate event of how a newborn dies in parents’ arms due to NHS negligence.


Newborn dies in parents arms- moments before the tragic affair

The story of a newborn dies in parents’ arms is going viral and it’s breaking countless hearts by the second. Moreover, the event unfolded after the hospital staff turned down the mother three times. Furthermore, they explained how ‘disinterested’ NHS staff handled the case so brutally.


It was the most inhumane act of them all. And you wouldn’t expect such behavior for professionals in the healthcare line ever. However, it looks like we’re wrong. The cruel behavior broke all limits. For instance, you could hear the staff members telling the pregnant woman to ‘walk her way to Tesco, during Labor.’ How’s that for shocking?

Source: shared

NHS staff refuses to cooperate during labor

When a woman goes through labor, only she knows how drastic the pain truly is. But that didn’t stop these short-tempered midwives at Caerphilly’s Birth Center from doing the unthinkable.


Yes, the disinterested staff kept on claiming how the 25-year-old pregnant woman wasn’t dilated enough. Similarly, they claim that she wasn’t in enough pain. For this reason, they even told her to walk to Tesco, during her labor! In short, they gave the best example that humanity ceases to exist during even the most crucial moments.

Source: Kidspot

Woman gets admitted on her fourth plea to NHS staff

NHS staff went on to deny the patient at least three times. However, they did allow her admission to her 4th cry of helplessness. Unfortunately, things didn’t go in favor of the 25-year-old.


It was absolute chaos at the birth center. Midwives started quarreling with each other. Coincidently, that’s the same point in time where Adele’s son, Zak-Ezra, was actually trapped in her birth canal. The entire incident lasted for about 35 minutes. And that meant surviving without oxygen and ultimate death for the newborn.


Soon enough, they managed to retrieve the baby. However, it wasn’t a moment of happiness as things didn’t work out in the parents’ favor.

Source: Daily Mirror

Newborn dies right after birth leaving parents shattered

The nurses tried to revive the infant while picking him up with his arms, legs. Soon, they transferred him to an emergency revival room. But all the efforts went in vain. During the entire scenario, the parents’ weren’t aware of Zak-Ezra’s status. Was he alive or dead?


Zak was rushed to Newport’s Royal Gwent’s Hospital. Unfortunately, he died after two days, despite relentless efforts from paramedic staff.

Source: News Break

Our prayers go out to the deceased soul and his parents. No one should ever have to go through such vile circumstances.



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