If you’re a serious ‘ memer ‘ or even a die-hard fan of Netflix, and you just can’t take your eyes off Netflix memes this means you can laugh at any time and any occasion.
You don’t even mind looking at memes while surfing through some serious internet stuff regarding your job or even your study.
So how can you not laugh or enjoy at Netflix memes when Netflix is actually your sort of like a spouse, anyway?
You eat with it, you sleep with it, you wake up while it’s playing, what is it that you don’t do during this period of isolation and/or quarantine with it though. Absolutely only 1% of the time we know you aren’t in front of it, but you’re mostly watching it. So here are some Netflix memes that are sure to make you laugh.
One of the best Netflix memes of 2020
You’re lying if you say you don’t say “Just one more episode and I’ll be done with it” while watching Netflix. You actually don’t stop at the episode but you watch not one, not two but we don’t actually know it’s a lot. Here’s a meme to define your state when you tell a lie so beautiful.
Do you have any doubt?
Here’s another of the coolest Netflix memes when someone asks you if you’re going to be sitting on your computer/ laptop all day watching Netflix and your response is:
Is that really humble?
Ever gave a better version of a cigarette to a crack-head and see their reaction? They enjoy it so much, ask for more very humbly.
You’re like that crack head when you run out of episodes and are waiting for more, ‘humbly’ asking Netflix if they’ve got any more episodes of a season.
Best of the most genuis Netflix memes
Ok, so this one is 2 in 1. Not just one of the Netflix memes but also quite a genius yet stupid, yet somehow genius hack for all you Netflix lovers out there.
How has Netflix played in COVID-19
We know for sure how Netflix has made procrastinators especially now during this COVID-19 pandemic.
Here’s another of the Netflix memes to tell you exactly how you look postponing your job/ homework.One of the most relatable Netflix memes
What could be more of an accurate Netflix Meme than this?
When you are convinced instead of convincing them
Ever had one of your friends recommend you a show and you promise them you’ll watch it but you actually have seen just a little bit of it.
You try to convince your friend you didn’t like it but they try to convince you back into watching it anyway? So here’s a perfect meme to describe your situation.Is it my life or the show that just ended?
Here’s another perfect yet sad meme depicting exactly how you feel when your favorite season/ show ends. You don’t know what to do with your life anymore! Trust me, we’ve all been there.
When the screen goes blank and only the logo appears
This is among the Netflix memes that will you make laugh out loud because this is exactly how almost all of us look when Netflix screen goes blank.
Your reflection makes you suddenly get up and sit properly thinking “Oh God.
Is this how I’ve been looking all day?. ” That’s right, as a total hobo.Netflix memes can elaborate your bad group behavior
So we all have one friend who if you go to their house for a sleepover or even just a movie. However, all they do is skip, skip, and skip. They can never watch a movie straight for some time.
If you don’t have a friend like that, all your social media friends make up their minds. You guys just watch the movie anyway. Chances are you’re lucky! But there are more chances of you being that friend who can’t make up their mind.
Hopefully, you liked our selection of Netflix memes and continue to support us by visiting us more and more.