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Cold-Blooded Murderer Who Brutally Abused 2-Year-Old To Death Gets Day Parole

hhhhhasdf.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Cold-Blooded Murderer Who Brutally Abused 2-Year-Old To Death Gets Day Parole

A woman convicted of brutally murdering a young 2-year-old girl gets day parole.


The shocking news spread like wildfire when authorities confirmed how the high profile case from 2011 would receive a closure of this sort. Moreover, Canada’s Parole Board confirmed how Rainbow Hill would now be granted day parole, despite her heinous crime.


She is guilty of carrying out inhuman forms of abuse and then murdering the innocent 2-year-old, Marissa Whalen. The case went viral back in 2011 when media sources described the explicit details of the murder. And just in case you’ve missed it, we’re listing them down for you.

day parole
Source: Brantford Expositor

Cold-blooded murder- details unveiled

Police found Ranbow Hill from Fort Erie in Ontario, guilty of abusing and killing Marissa Whalen. At the time of her death, little Marissa was just 2 years old. Moreover, why did she kill the innocent child in the first place left a lot of questions in people’s minds.


The shocking news of getting day parole for such a heinous crime had even more viewers questioning the case. But the Parole Board confirmed how they felt Hill made ‘positive progress’ throughout the years. For this reason, they thought it was alright to release her on given terms.


Certainly, that wasn’t the only decision that had people turning their heads. The fact that the board revealed that Hill wasn’t an undue risk for society, when released, was another worrying concern for obvious reasons.

Source: CTV News Toronto

Board makes jaw-dropping decision, gives day parole

On the other hand, the board continued to explain how Hill’s release would actually contribute towards the protection of the society.


In the month of October in 2011, Police revealed harrowing findings relating to the retrieval of a young child. They explained how the remains belonged to Marissa, after an extensive search was underway.

This was the same time period when reports about young Marissa missing went viral. A lot of confusion and speculation surrounded the case. But in the end, police did come out with the tragic details relating to her death.


In addition to all the drama, one question might still be on your mind. Who was Rainbow Hill and what link did she have with the child in the first place?

Source: El Popular

An innocent child caught in the middle

You might be shocked to learn how little Marissa was actually caught in the midst of a very ugly affair. Hill was in a relationship with Marissa’s mom, Roseanne Whalen, when the incident took place.


The gruesome case details became public when the board announced how the little child was at the center of major abuse and maltreatment. Unfortunately, it wasn’t only Hill that caused the damage. Her mom helped carry out the crime on her own daughter.


Similarly, the child suffered from unimaginable forms of brutality. This includes slapping, smacking, and hitting her face into hard objects like walls. On other occasions, they forcefully fed her meals.


Another report explained how Hill kicked the young victim in her stomach, watching her fall to the ground. Soon, she pushed her into the bathroom and dropped her brutally into a bathtub.

Source: CTV News

The terror doesn’t end

The board even expressed how Hill escorted the lifeless body to her stepfather’s appartment. As he dialed 911 for help, she urged him to cut off the call. And that’s when Hill informed the victim’s mom of her intentions of reported the child as missing.


The heartless woman trained her kids and step-father to lie to paramedics when they arrived. She made up a story relating to how the 911 call was due to a choking emergency which was now resolved. Hill then went on to search for places to bury the child. Her goal revolved around burying Marissa in a secluded area, situated in the woods. This way, no one would find her, or so she thought.

Source: PressReader

Soon, she wrapped up her body in a giant garbage bag, burying her in a remote area. The fear of animals digging up the grave worried Hill and the victim’s mother. For this reason, they opted to exhume the body. On October 13, Police arrested Hill, sentencing her to life in prison.


She admitted to the crime, reciving punishment without parole for another 12 years. For this reason, the sudden news of her 6 month day parole has many confused. And it seems like it’s a mystery in itself.


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