A mother is going viral after her daughter’s nursery changed her child’s name without taking her consent.
As days go by, we come across more and more unique types of names. While some we understand to the best of our ability, others not so much. However, do you think that gives anyone the right to change a child’s name?
Well, just in case you answered no to that question, that’s great and exactly how it should be. However, this next story about a mum becoming enraged with fury has so many of us in an absolute dilemma. It’s a real-life tale about a fight between parents and a nursery. And the details just might leave you in absolute wonder and awe.

Mum fumes with anger
A name is a person’s identity and your parents keep it for a reason. Whether the meaning is special to them or perhaps an ancient tradition too- the list for name selection goes on for days.
But what would you do if your own child’s nursery did the worst thing possible- changing your daughter’s name for their convenience.
Mahinarangi Tautu is a young 5-year-old girl who just started going to nursery. Moreover, her mum Paris explains how she received the shock of her life when she went to pick up her daughter one day.
According to her, the staff informed her how the authorities renamed her child as they felt her name was just too hard to pronounce. Therefore, for them, Mahinarangi was now ‘Rangi.’ How’s that for an absolute shocker, reported news.com.au.
Nursery explains the name change
The mum explained how she kept her daughter’s name for a very specific reason.point 212 |
And that revolved around how it belonged to the famous New Zealand heritage tribe, which is located in the country’s northern islands.point 119 | In the same way, she did speak about how it is definitely a unique name.point 177 | But isn’t that what life is all about? Having unique names and then celebrating diversity.point 259 |
Well, the concept may look appealing to many but that certainly wasn’t the case here.point 77 | 1
The nursery didn’t feel the need to check with the mum first. Instead, they went on changing her daughter’s name.
On that note, the mum claimed that such behavior was absolutely unacceptable. “I will not let this happen,” she added. “This doesn’t respect or show honor to my daughter’s Maori tribe,” she exclaimed.
“My daughter no longer has the pride of her name”
The mother went on crying about how such incidents happen in today’s generation.
Yes, ‘my daughter’s name is also mispronounced and mocked by her friends too,” explained the mum. And she did explain how it usually leaves her embarrassed sometimes, lacking the confidence to correct anyone too.
After that, the mum went on questioning how bad it must feel for a 5-year-old to be embarrassed to say her own name. And that’s because she thinks people don’t put enough effort to pronounce it at all.
“This all makes me so angry,” uttered the mum after putting it all into perspective. “My ancestors went on changing their name, thanks to the effects of colonization.” However, she refused to let the same thing happen to her daughter this time.
“Kids should be very proud of where they come from and also honored of their heritage too. Therefore, teachers need to instill newfound confidence in them, no matter what their ethnicity maybe.”
What are your thoughts on the nursery and the teachers changing a 5-year-old child’s name? Do let us know in the comments section.
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