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Mum Defends Breastfeeding Her Baby While Having S*x With Husband

ssfff 1.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Mum Defends Breastfeeding Her Baby While Having S*x With Husband

A defiant mother is going viral after defending her actions of breastfeeding her baby while engaging in sex with her partner.


The mother of three is very adamant about the decisions she makes in life and this one is no exception. Therefore, when she went viral for stating how she mixes pleasure with her duties as a mother, the world simply couldn’t handle it. Moreover, the mum was criticized and slammed for mixing two very different things at the same time.


While some called her weird, others blasted her on national television for promoting the deed. Now, she is making headlines again after releasing another video where she defends her actions.

Without a doubt, this might be one of the most bizarre stories you’ll ever come across in a long time. And that’s exactly we’ve got the latest updates on the case for you.

Source: Daily Mercury

Mother of 3 and her unique breastfeeding ordeal

For many women, maintaining intimacy with their partners is rather difficult, after having kids. But in case you need some inspiration or shall we say strange ideas on how to perform the balancing act- look no further.


The mother of 3 young kids is going viral after making claims about her daily routine. And it involves pleasure with obligations. Defending her decision, by all means, the mother of 3 explains how she keeps her baby happy while satisfying her partner in bed.


Tasha Maile argues with critics about how there is nothing wrong or bad about her decision. Moreover, she says it’s actually super convenient for her as it allows her to wrap up two very different things together.

“There is really nothing bad or wrong about making love at all,” she claims. “Even if you’re breastfeeding at the same time, it’s ok.”

Source: Twitter

Controversial YouTube video finally airs

Tasha Maile is famous on YouTube. Thankfully, not because of her breastfeeding and sex ordeals but because many look up to her for inspiration on how she raises her kids. But little did they know about the rude awakening in store.


Sharing her sexual adventures, the mum of three boldly spoke about how she engages in sex while providing her child milk at the same time. The news came when she uploaded a new video on her account, which was in response to the backlash she received for her strange deeds.


In 2015, the mum announced her bizarre amalgamation of the two very different activities. While she recently divorced her husband. at that time, things were very different. She loved him and there was no compromise on making love.

The video came with the title, “Do I have sex while breastfeeding?”

Source: Us Weekly

The internet responds to startling revelations

So when the video first aired in 2015, many people had their reservations. They just couldn’t believe the mum when she confessed about her strange routine and balancing act. Moreover, they called her out.


Tasha’s mega online presence had to do with her personal and spiritual beliefs. Her followers developed a very personal connection with her and her way of life. Now, however, it seems her fan following might be dwindling away. And all credit goes to the backlash she gets for the old video from the past.


Now, the vegan blogger hopes to clear the air with her new video. Here, she defends her actions and slamming all the critics that called her out. In her defense, she added that her son wouldn’t let go of her and was super attached to her. Therefore, whenever she put him down, he would cry.

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Source: YouTube

The breastfeeding backlash continues

Therefore, she recalls feeding her child while having sex from behind.point 207 |


“There is nothing bad about making love at all, ever.point 50 | ” Steeped in the great controversy, many questioned how the woman could even get turned on during nursing.point 145 | Another gave her the suggestion to wait till her baby went to sleep as it was just wrong, to begin with.point 229 | 1


Well, it seems like Tasha isn’t bothered by people’s opinions and will clearly do whatever she feels comfortable with. Nevertheless, this might be one of the strangest experiences we’ve ever read about. Do you agree?

Source: True Activist

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