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Mother Watches Boyfriend Bash 3-Year-Old Son To Death For Being ‘Disrespectful’

sgsgdsg.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Mother Watches Boyfriend Bash 3-Year-Old Son To Death For Being ‘Disrespectful’

This mother watches boyfriend beat her young toddler to death is one of the most heartbreaking events to hit the news recently.


According to reports, the tiny 3-year-old son lost his life through the hands of a helpless Las Vegas mother. Moreover, the cruel act goes viral as the mother did nothing to stop her lover. And for that reason, this case is keeping plenty of people at a standstill.


Daniel Theriot, the little toddler, received the most serve bashings ever. It was a heart wrenching incident that still haunts citizens around the globe. Is this the true value of human life. When will this kind of abuse stop.

Without a doubt, child abuse took to new extremes with this case. And it’s safe to say that plenty of people out there had flashbacks and nightmares. Would a mother live in peace after her own child lies in a grave?


Here are more gruesome details about a case that has plenty at a standstill.

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Source: New York Post

Heartless mother watches boyfriend kill her son

The 20-year-old young mother is getting questioned by the police after her boyfriend bashed her young son.point 312 |


Meanwhile, they’re still trying to figure out why she would do such a thing without intervening.point 83 | As the mother watches boyfriend kill her son story picks up pace, the investigations keep on finding out disheartening details.point 191 | 1

According to reports, the boyfriend attempted to pour down hot, steaming water over his entire body. And that’s after the intense bashings were over. The cruel and unjust behavior is just mind boggling for many.

Source: Las Vegan Review Journal

Mother reports ‘missing’ son to authorities

The young toddler’s mother, Cassie Smith, went on over to authorities, reporting her son as missing. And the event took place just days before she and her cruel boyfriend received charges for their inhuman and criminal acts.


And if you’re wondering the reason why, it just might startle you. Cassie explained how her son had a very bad temperament and attitude. For this reason, her boyfriend Oxford went on beating him badly. In other words, he lashed out so brutally at the toddler that he passed away on the spot.

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Source: Sterling Funeral Homes

Cruel boyfriend does the unthinkable

As news reports gathered more information on the mother watches boyfriend murder story, you’ll be sad to find out what went on.point 267 |


Oxford bashed and bashed little Daniel heartlessly.point 45 | He explained how the child didn’t show him any respect.point 93 | And even after the severe bashings, Oxford thought it wasn’t enough.point 153 | The child still failed to show him the ‘respect he deserved.point 205 |


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On that note, he goes on and pours water over Daniel’s body. However, Oxford thought that plain water wouldn’t do justice. Therefore, he attempted to heat it over the stove. Slowly, he poured the steaming water over the child and watched him suffer in agonizing pain.

Source: ABC15 Arizona

Innocent toddler cries out in pain asking for help

This is totally something that has many people in utmost disbelief. As boiling water drip from the child’s body, he yelled for help. But no one helped him. Meanwhile, reports confirmed how his mother just stood there and did nothing to help.


Hence, it wouldn’t be wrong to explain how she declined to proceed with involvement. Oxford confessed to police officers how it wasn’t only him that took part in the child’s abuse. His mother was involved equally.

Source: Scallywag and Vagabond

As a couple, the inflicted great pain on him. This includes pinching his ears, while brutally slapping with open hands. The child fell asleep while under his grandmother’s care. But that wasn’t the end of his torture.


Oxford returned home, woke up the child, and started bashing him again. However, he remained in his sleep, as the mother explained to authorities. But he died the next day.

Autopsy report revealed broken ribs, bruising, and plenty of abrasions. It also showed how he suffered from brain bleeding too.



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