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Mother Devastated After Son Gets Beaten By Police And Jailed For 25 Years After Vape Fluid Was Found In His Car

A devastated mother spoke out after finding out her son had been subjected to physical abuse by the police and jailed for 25 years.


24-year-old Billy Hood from London, UK, was sentenced to 25 years in prison in Dubai after police officers discovered four bottles of vape juice infused with CBD oil in his car.

©Billy Hood

Following the discovery, the man was arrested even though the vape juice didn’t belong to him but to his friend who accidentally forgot the bottles in his car while visiting Hood in Dubai.


Since cannabis and cannabis oil are strictly banned in the country, the young man was charged and convicted of drug trafficking with the intent to supply.

©ITV – GMB – Pictured Breda Guckion

As his heartbroken mother, Breda Guckion, has since also revealed, Dubai officers bullied her son and subjected him to physical violence to coerce him into signing a confession that saw him sentenced to more than two decades in prison.


“I know in the beginning they weren’t good, when they made him sign that statement. I know that he was in a room with 30 others, sleeping on a floor with a blanket, bread and water – nothing else. Until he signed that statement that was in Arabic,” she said.

©Billy Hood

“I think he did after the fourth or fifth day, but they laughed in his face and said, ‘Well, if you don’t sign it you’re not getting out of here.’”


Meanwhile, Hood’s best friend, Alfie Cain, spoke out and claimed the 24-year-old was beaten and tasered by Dubai cops following his arrest.

“It’s been bad at Al-Barsha, I’m not going to sugar coat it,” he told The Sun.

“When they took him to the CID drugs unit they beat him for an entire five days, he told me police officers tasered him, slapped him in the face and all they fed him was bread and a little water. He was basically tortured and put in a cell with 30 other people for five days.”

©Ken McKay – ITV – REX – Pictured Alfie Cain

After undergoing days of physical torment, Hood allegedly a confession without truly understanding what was written on the papers in the foreign language and without realizing he admitted to committing serious crimes with his signature.


“Billy said they told him he could go home if he signed the paper, that’s why he gave in and signed that piece of paper in Arabic he had no idea what he signing, but he just wanted to make it stop,” Cain added.

As Hood’s mother continued, the family was left broken by the news of her son’s unforgiving sentence, whereas they have no idea if Billy, who has already been jailed for 9 months, has any chance of getting out of the country before serving 25 years in prison.

©SWNS – Pictured Billy Hood

“It still breaks me every day just thinking about it. Just seeing his photo breaks me now,” the mom added.


“I have hidden myself away crying and crying when I think of what my son is going through.

“It is impossible that he is involved in drugs and my son does not deserve this and I appeal to Sheikh Mohammed to intervene in this case. My son is innocent.”


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