The Mississippi town mayor held back his tears after a recent emotional order signing.
Media sources confirmed how the incident took place in a very small town of Mississippi, Laurel. Home to a little less than 18,000 citizens, the majority of people belong to the Black community.
Therefore, when the town mayor received an order for the signing of the confederate flag removal, it was emotional. The town mayor simply couldn’t hold back his emotions. And the media caught glimpses of the man, during the event.
Going viral around the nation, the click features the mayor finding it hard to hold back tears.
Here are more exclusive updates surrounding the event.
Mississippi town mayor caught amid an emotional ceremony
With a population of so little, whatever happens in town, gets caught as news that spreads like wildfire.
For this reason, when the Mississippi town mayor carried out a recent signing, his pictures went viral.Here, viewers caught an emotional mayor, performing his daily duties.
However, why was he crying and what has he signed an order for in the first place?
Historic breakthrough for Mississippi town mayor
Johnny Magee is a man unknown to none. For this reason, when the camera’s eye caught him signing away emotionally, people couldn’t help but wonder what was going on.
To be exact, news sources confirmed how the signing was actually for a major breakthrough. Yes, he issued a historic ordeal recently.
It revolved around removing the state flag from all of Laurel’s existing properties. The order was exclusively designed to target all of those properties that entail the government. And for him, it was a moment of great honor and pride.
On that occasion, there were plenty of things running through his mind. Therefore, he tried his best to avoid letting the emotions get the best of him.
What does the historic order mean in the first place?
Mississippi was always a state rooted in slavery, in the past. For this reason, it was even declared at the forefront of slavery. Negros suffered from injustice all around and slavery was as common as can be.
For all of these reasons, citizens fought for years to raise their voices. In addition, the reason for joining the confederate in the first place was to remove all forms of injustice.
And when news broke out regarding how the symbol that represented a fight of the Blacks against enslavement would occur, it was emotional.
But wait, the issues relating to slavery were just the start of plenty of problems. This location served as a center for segregation too.
People went as far as calling it the most segregated state in the country. That was more than 100 years, since the abolishment of slavery.
A state rooted in racism
The idea of racism wasn’t new for anyone. Mississippi’s state flag also has a small confederate battle flag on the corner. From the history to the culture, it was sad to see racism everywhere.
For this reason, when the time came for the removal of all confederate flags from state-owned properties, the Mississippi town mayor couldn’t hold tears away.
Today, it was a day of remembrance. Besides, it was a day to flush away all the evils of slavery and racism. But at the same time, it was also important to recall the suffering of others.
The struggle wasn’t an easy one. And for that reason, it was important to take a moment out and recall the hard work that led to this day.
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