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Michigan Cops SUED For Race-Motivated Violence After Startling Video Shows Officers Handcuffing Citizens Of Color

Michigan cops have reportedly been sued after shocking footage showed officers handcuffing a Black realtor, alongside his clients which included a father and his son.


Local media reports revealed how the father and son duo were out searching for their new home with their realtor. But before they could proceed with their house hunting, they were surrounded by cops who handcuffed them without any explanation.

Source: WGN9 Chicago

The startling footage from the incident was recently released by the police, which clearly showed the appalling behavior by the officers, striking outrage and concern amongst many members of society.

Source: Yahoo News

The black father and son duo claim they were handcuffed, right after they toured their first house but were not even told the reason why. Moreover, the incident sparked fear in them as they were confused as to what was the reason behind the officer’s unexplained actions.


Now, they are suing the police for what they believe is ‘race motivated’ violence, adding a list of charges to the lawsuit which includes assault, battery, intentional infliction of pain, false imprisonment, and emotional distress too.

Source: CNN

“It’s clear what was going on. We were both black and so was the realtor,” the father and son began to explain. They spoke about how they were immediately asked to put their hands in the air, as the officers started to escort them out of the home.


In their defense, the officers claim that they were just doing their duty as they happened to be responding to one neighbor’s call.

Source: ABC6

While the police did let them all go in the end, the behavior the three men had to put up throughout the incident was unbelievably shocking, they went on to reveal.

Source: Wood TV

The lawsuit has reportedly been filed on the 1st of October at Michigan’s District Court and it entails a whole list of unspecified damages while naming six officers from the police force in total.


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