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Meat Lip Queen: Say Hello To The Teen Whose Lips Quadrupled After Eating Hamburgers

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Here’s the story of a teen that’s going viral as the meat lip queen.


Miyah may appear like the average all-American teenager from miles away, but one up close and personal look might have you thinking twice. Yes, there’s a pretty good reason why she’s getting dubbed as the meat lip queen. And it has to do with her indulgence with hamburgers.


The teen’s unique story begins when she decided to venture out for some comfort t glory. And what better form of gluttony than a hamburger? Unfortunately, things didn’t go quite as planned for the young woman. And in the end, all she got was some pretty uncomfortable and plumped up lips.


Here are the most exclusive details regarding a woman and her quest to figuring out a strange reaction to food.

meat lip
Source: Unilad

Meat lip queen Miyah- a bizarre ordeal

Miyah instantly regrets going out to experiment with new places for hamburger meat. And that’s because her lips swelled up to a massively large size recently.


According to sources, the young teen wanted to try out a new place that had recently opened up. It was offering some great meat options and hamburger meat definitely struck out as something she’d like to try.

Curbing in on her cravings, Miyah excitedly orders her meat. But in the end, she receives a rude awakening. It’s a disaster by all means and one that Miyah might be regretting for a pretty long time.


However, what exactly happened? Brace yourselves as the details are pretty shocking, to say the least.

Source: Unilad

The teen received a rude awakening after hamburger meat goes wrong

Miyah explains how she and her family always trusted Walmart when it came to meat for burgers, barbeque, and other things in general. However, this time she ventured out to try a new place that had recently opened up.


Unfortunately, this risk was surely one that cost her a bit too much. Miyah explains how she purchased some hamburger meat from a new store called Sam’s Club. Moreover, the meat lip queen says that everything seemed to be going smoothly or she assumed.


Soon, she realizes the unthinkable, as she wakes up the next morning.

Source: Express Digest

The start of a nightmarish experience

Upon getting out of bed, Miyah noticed a small and round bump over her lip. While it felt a little painful, the teen ignored it, dismissing it as an oddity. But that was her initial mistake.


Miyah hoped the bump would soon disappear but that’s not what happened. On the contrary, the exact opposite took place. Things started getting worst by the second.

Source: dee lis hhhh/Twitter

“The swelling actually caught me off guard,” explained Miyah in a recent interview. “I just got out of bed and saw there was a small bump upon my bottom lip’s, right side. I brushed it off and took things casually,” she exclaimed.


Soon, Miyah became super alert and cautious when the tiny bump wasn’t so tiny anymore. Yes, it began spreading like no one’s business. On that note, the meat lip teen ran out and got some medications for allergy to self-treat herself.

However, by the evening, things really got out of control.

Source: Buzz Feed News

The horrors of the emergency room

MIyah knew it was now time to rush to the hospital. This swelling wasn’t going anywhere. Her lips grew to an immensely large size with plenty of swelling. Moreover, she explains how the nurses began laughing at her, after seeing her condition. Truly, it was a nightmare ordeal.


Doctors started asking medically relevant questions that would help them assist in reaching a diagnosis. And in the end, they explained how it all came down to the hamburger meat.

Source: Linda Blog

Right after the experience, Miyah decided to share her experience via a thread on Twitter. Needless to say, it got a pretty viral response. The teen documented each day, with the swelling continuing to worsen. With time and meds, the swelling slowly got less too.


Today, Miyah is renowned by the name Meat Lip Queen and ‘Miyah w/da phat lips.’ She warns others to stick to foods that they know of, or else they might land up in a dire state like her.


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