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Understanding The Dark Meaning Of ‘Hey Ya!’ Might Ruin The Song’s Charm Forever

fffsgsg.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Understanding The Dark Meaning Of 'Hey Ya!' Might Ruin The Song's Charm Forever

There are some memorable classic tunes but diving into the meaning of ‘Hey Ya’ might make you reconsider the hit.


Life and music go hand in hand. Therefore, some tracks manage to transport you into a whole different era of time. In the same way, they manage to evoke emotions that you never thought you’d feel in the first place. And those tunes really hit hard.


For us and millions of others around the globe, Hey Ya! is a song that never grows old. Moreover, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that the tune hits all the right spots while ticking the right boxes. Therefore, critics term it to be the ultimate party anthem. And we couldn’t beg to disagree, even if we wanted to.

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Source: YouTube

Party anthem of the world in the spotlight

Outkast’s famous track not only manages to steal hearts with one listen, but the stellar music video also does great justice. And without a doubt, it was the track of your teenage years.

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Source: UniLad

For us, the lyrics really stood out. ‘Shake it like a polaroid picture,’ was our cue to getting up and jiving to the beat. Whether you know how to dance or not, that never made any difference. Just the song had enough motivation to get you going in the right direction.


However, little did we know that our favorite song was more than we anticipated it to be. Yes, the dark meaning of ‘Hey Ya!’ just might blow your socks off because that’s exactly what it managed to do for us.

Source: The Nostalgia Blog

The meaning of ‘Hey Ya!’ might surprise you

So far, we’ve enlightened you with how the meaning of ‘Hey Ya!’ isn’t quite what it appears to be. And dark-themed might be an understatement. But how could a single track that we’ve been jiving to for years, suddenly change its true colors?


See, nothing happens so drastically in life. Things are always there, yet seem to disguise themselves as something else. And that’s exactly what happened here. The masses, including us, are so engaged with the song’s glory that we never really thought about double meaning lyrics.

Source: Pinterest

First things first, the lyrics. After paying close attention, you quickly notice how the tune isn’t as light-hearted as it promised to be initially. Keeping the good old polaroid picture to the side, there’s a darker truth.


“If what they say is nothing is forever, what makes love the exception.” This line is hauntingly bold. In the same way, ‘Oh why are we so in denial when we know that we’re not happy here?” Yikes, the serene beat really did justice at disguising it all.

Source: The Guardian

Digging deep into a darker world of music

Without a doubt, the song refers to the fact that there are so many individuals who aren’t too happy with their relationships in life. Time and time again, we see them staying in holy matrimony for the sake of it, instead of really doing what’s good for them. And that means leaving.

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Source: YouTube

But wait, the drama doesn’t end there.point 152 | The song comes backed up with an interview with Andre 3000.point 201 |


For those who aren’t aware, he’s one half of the duo from Outkast.point 66 | And that’s when he informed others how that was the true meaning of ‘Hey Ya!’ It’s the dark reality behind the relationship status of the 2000s.point 209 | 1

Source: YouTube

Being in a relationship, for the sake of it, is plain and daunting. You’re only in the relationship for the sake of others. And that means staying unhappy for the rest of your lives. Clearly, with a fast-paced tune like this, who would have ever noticed? Also, we bet you’ll never hear the song the same way again, after this.



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