While reading some blogs we’ve all encountered the type where we can’t help ourselves but think “Who in the world even is this? Who says something as cringe or genius as this?!” Well, these days it’s none other than Matt Walsh Blogger.
No, it’s not the same Matt Walsh as the Matt Walsh Show.
Matt Walsh Blogger Journey
Matt Walsh started off his career as a conservative radio show host. His blogging career started in 2012. He is known as a devout Catholic and formerly had a different amazing fundamentalist theology approach. This was back in his life as a conservative show host.
In 2014, The Blaze adopted Walsh in 2014 as a regular contributor, wrote many amazing articles catching Catholics’ attention. These articles comprised of two of the most popular ones titled: “The Duggars Aren’t Hypocrites. Progressives Are” and “Calling Bruce Jenner a Woman Is an Insult to Women.”
Matt Walsh Blogger Education
Walsh is from Baltimore, 28 years old with two kids. He’s the cool Catholic that writes about and for heterosexual, white, American men with a level of arrogance that puts the monks to shame. With his approach and style, he makes Billy O’Riley seem like a monk.
Hero for Oppressed Conservatives
Walsh is the cool Christian who’s like a hero for the oppressed conservatives since he drinks and smokes and got some tattoos.point 255 |
One thing that stands out in his personality is his view that Christians should be more judgmental rather than today’s Christians who are tolerant and quite nice towards others.point 155 | point 157 | 1
You Can’t Be A Christian And A Progressive
Apparently, that’s what Matt thinks of you if you’re a Christian and a progressive.point 85 | He believes you can’t be both.point 116 | There are so many views that Matt Walsh has we’ll share believe that you can read and decide for yourself and obviously judge, too since he’s in favor of it as well.point 262 |
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Did you know Jamie Fox’s daughter is all grown up and is up to something big
Transgender People Equal Appropriation of Women?!
Matt thinks transgenders aren’t real but they’re appropriating women. He goes on to narrate his idea of transgender using the words “I believe it’s a sickness, a disease, an illusion, and basically just a burden.”
There was a report against a transgender woman in a women locker closet in Planet Fitness gym that went viral and according to Matt, that woman did the right thing. He believes transgender people have no right to be in women’s locker-rooms or even bathrooms. He genuinely believes it’s against the privacy of women.
Women Belong In The Kitchen.. Says Matt
We know not all women want to be trophy wives or work in the kitchen only. Today, more than ever, women have got ambitions, big goals, and certainly don’t want to feel left behind in the world comparative to men.
Matt believes a woman’s primary job is to be in the kitchen, raise his children and give him the love and respect he deserves while the man should stay at the ‘manly’ work which is earning for the house.
Although today’s feminists may disagree there are actually women like this today too that would love this role. However, according to Matt Walsh blogger, ” don’t let women be your boss, be their boss!”
Gays Are Harmful, yes that too is said by Matt
In one of his posts titled: “Gay Adoption Might Be Good for Gay Activists, But It’s Terrible for Children.” Matt says:
According to Matt Walsh blogger, Gays shouldn’t be allowed to adopt children as a couple. There are rules in our country that should or shouldn’t adopt a kid which is only for political reasons. Gays should definitely be put in the category of CAN’T for adoption since the children won’t be able to get the right type of education.
Walsh on this topic says that the destruction of the nuclear family” is basically gays. He believes gays need to live a life devoid of intimacy and human connection for a bit in order to better understand their life and reform themselves to later choose a different lifestyle, then.
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